Everyday that goes bye
Is a day you can't take back
Time wont slow down, rewind, or pause for you
Hurs turns to days, days to months, months to years
Till you fade away!
So live your life, let past be past!

Tick tock goes the clock
You may be hurt
Use you expierence to help someone else in need
Tick tock goes your life
Live your life to the fullest
You may never have another chance
Tick tock goes your life
Your tirm is nearly up
Have you lived your life
Are you ready to go, or desperate for more time!
Tick tock live your life
(chorus end)

Sometimes we make mistakes
Say or do something we regret
But what we did or said is set in stone
we can't go back and change what we done
There is no going back
We can only go foward
Let past be past
Live for the future

Tick tock goes the clock
You may be hurt
Use you expierence to help someone else in need
Tick tock goes your life
Live your life to the fullest
You may never have another chance
Tick tock goes your life
Your tirm is nearly up
Have you lived your life
Are you ready to go, or desperate for more time!
Tick tock live your life
(chorus end)

Think not what you can't do
Cant go back, Can't change what's done
Think what you can do
Where you want to be
What you can do to make up for past wrongs
Your life is like a candle
slowly burning itself away!

Tick tock goes the clock
You may be hurt
Use you expierence to help someone else in need
Tick tock goes your life
Live your life to the fullest
You may never have another chance
Tick tock goes your life
Your tirm is nearly up
Have you lived your life
Are you ready to go, or desperate for more time!
Tick tock live your life
(chorus end)