English translation...."Anna tatangelo"...."Bastardo"

Thread: English translation...."Anna tatangelo"...."Bastardo"

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation...."Anna tatangelo"...."Bastardo"

    Ciao a tutti...
    Chi m'aiutera questa volta ? ...penso che sara ligeia come sempre ...mille grazie per lei e per ogni persone che m'ha aiutato tra il mio viaggio ad imparare questa bella lingua

    Cominciamo adesso
    C’č una ragione di pił
    there is one more reason
    l’hai detto… ma che bravo
    u said it...but how clever !!
    ma questa parte di te
    but this part of you
    davvero la ignoravo
    i really didn't know ! "ignored"
    non me l’aspettavo davvero
    i really wasn't expecting it
    č come bere il pił potente veleno
    and it's like drinking the most powerful poison
    č amaro
    it's bitter !

    non recuperare ti prego
    I beg you, don't recover "don't come back"
    tanto pił parli e ancora meno ti credo
    much more talks, and i believe u less
    what a pitty !
    lascia al silenzio la sua veritą
    i understand the words but i can't make the sentence
    maybe it is : his truth has left it's silence "like he has exposed his ugly side or something ?
    voglio dirti quello che sento
    i wanna tell u how i feel
    farti morire nello stesso momento
    and make u die"kill u" in the same moment
    Bastard !!
    voglio affrontarti senza fare un lamento
    i wanna face you without making a lament
    voglio bruciarti con il fuoco che ho dentro
    i wanna burn you with the fire i have inside
    per poi vederti cenere… bastardo!!!!!
    to watch you as ash later...BASTARD
    far soffiare su di te… il vento
    i want the wind to blow you
    io spezzata in due dal dolore
    me, divided in two by pain
    mentre ti amavo tu facevi l’amore
    while loving you , u made love why adding "vi" for facevi...he is supposed to make love for her ?..and also why not faceti...what's "vi" doing here !
    per gioco
    to play "for fun"

    lasciami sognare la vita
    life leaves me dream
    l’hai detto tu quando č finita č finita
    u said it...when it's over, it's over
    io vado
    am going
    chissą se un giorno poi mi passerą
    who knows if one day it'll pass by me "leave me"
    la rabbia che porto nel cuore
    the anger i hold in my heart

    voglio dirti quello che sento
    farti morire nello stesso momento
    vedere gli occhi tuoi in un mare profondo
    i wanna see your eyes in a deep see
    farti affogare nei singhiozzi del pianto
    make u sink in the sighs of crying
    e spingerti sempre pił gił… bastardo
    and push you always more and more down...Bastard !!
    ma purtroppo tocca a me
    but unfortunately , it's my turn
    soffrire… gridare… morire
    to suffer...shout...die
    hai preso senza dare mai
    have taken without ever saying
    la cosa che non vuoi
    the thing that u didn't want
    maledetto sporco amore…
    damn dirty love
    voglio dirti quello che sento
    farti morire nello stesso momento
    e poi vederti cenere… bastardo
    ma purtroppo tocca a me
    soffrire… gridare… ti amo bastardo!!!
    suffer...shout...I love u bustard :O

    Forti selvatici parole , ha davvero sofferto da lui....bastardo :O
    i liked how she ended the song with i love u !!!.. a shocking end
    Last edited by DR__ADEL; 10-24-2011 at 06:47 AM.
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    You got that right! In fact, here I am, coming to your rescue!

    lascia al silenzio la sua veritą = leave to silence its truth (probably meaning: the less he talks the better, nothing is louder than silence)

    mentre ti amavo tu facevi l’amore per gioco = you were making love for fun while i was loving you (basically he was deceiving and using her)
    ("faceti" doesn't exist: facevi is imperfect/past continuous tense indicates something that used to happen habitually/ongoing actions in the past, "facesti" is preterite and indicates an action that happened once and a very long time ago)

    lasciami sognare la vita = let me dream about life

    chissą se un giorno poi mi passerą questa rabbia... =who knows if one day it'll pass this anger....

    hai preso senza dare mai= have taken without ever giving (a little oversight, i suppose)

    Se ti interessa e puą esserti utile qui c'č un'altra traduzione:
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    u r always here for the rescue ...sono grate a te (H)

    wow that "facevi " mistake i shouldn't do :O a rookie mistake :s...

    and thanks for ur other translation , ...though i looked in the post that collects the already done translations and i didn't find it :O...