Rap Joan Jett In The Background Help!!

Thread: Rap Joan Jett In The Background Help!!

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  1. zee said:

    Unhappy Rap Joan Jett In The Background Help!!

    I heard this song at a clothing store int he mall last month and have been desperatley trying to find it...
    It is a rap song, and I swear it sounded like B2K or something...and it has the guitar scheme to Joan Jett's 80s song "I love rock and roll" in the background over and over again.
    it was sooooo sick i am desperate, has anyone heard this???
    thanks a lottttttttt-
  2. zee said:


  3. klules664 said:


    The song is called "Mind On The Road" and it's by Rev Run
  4. zee said:


    i am honestly in love with you. thank you soooo fing much