Bound Beneath Me not exactly Lord Byron

Thread: Bound Beneath Me not exactly Lord Byron

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  1. richirich said:

    Default Bound Beneath Me not exactly Lord Byron

    Bound beneath me, as a steed knows his rider.
    On with the dance! Let joy be unbridled;
    No sleep till morn, where Pun and Pleasure sprung
    To chase aphotic hours with twisted tactile tongue.
    Truly tewely.
    Rush’d into the fire, where flagrant fleshlings foretaste.
    Sequent, much mounting was, in hot horny haste.

    Servile slaves ever! A few, the first blow strike ,
    These would be, who are free. The rest remain beastlike.

    Haunt of my salacious heart.*Lascivious God-men lusting, luscious Man-gods, to engore.
    Once more, and yet, once more!
    Billowing bodies abide bestride, as a steed knows his rider.
    Bound beneath me, as a steed knows his rider.
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    At last!

    A real poet has graced the forum.

    Wonderful stuff, bravo, bravo, more please.
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