鳳情千千萬 聞笛 茉莉花

Thread: 鳳情千千萬 聞笛 茉莉花

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  1. abu arab's Avatar

    abu arab said:

    Default 鳳情千千萬 聞笛 茉莉花

    can i find English translation for this Chinese song


    thanks in advance
  2. aspwow said:


    茉莉花 jasmine flower :

    好一朵美丽的茉莉花 ---- what a beautiful jasmine flower
    好一朵美丽的茉莉花 ---- what a beautiful jasmine flower
    芬芳美丽满枝桠 Fragrant, beautiful, the stem full of buds
    又白又香人人夸 ---Fragrant and white, everyone praises
    让我来 将你摘下 --- Let me pluck you
    送给别人家 --- To offer you to someone else
    茉莉花呀茉莉花 ---Jasmine flower, ah jasmine flower
    聞笛 The Flutist Heard from Afar:

    谁家吹笛画楼中 -----Who’s playing the flute yonder. In that painted tower, I wonder?
    断续声随断续风------On and off the tune’s wafting near
    As on and off the wind’s floating here.
    响遏行云横碧落 ------ It soars high to the heavens, where the clouds no longer sail,
    清和冷月到帘栊-----And falls cool on my curtains, where the Moon shines pale.
    兴来三弄有桓子 -----Then, the legend’ry Huan the flutist springs to mind,  
    赋就一篇怀马融------And Ma the poet, whose Ode to the Flute is the best I find.
    曲罢不知人在否 -----Now the melody’s o’er, who knows if the Muse’s still there.
    余音嘹亮尚飘空 ----- While the strains in their echoes are lingering in the air?
    Last edited by aspwow; 09-19-2013 at 10:27 AM.