韩红 - 那个冬季

Thread: 韩红 - 那个冬季

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  1. ilkin said:

    Default 韩红 - 那个冬季

    Hi, this is my first attempt to translate a song. Would you please correct it and help me with a line I couldn't understand?
    The song is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROxgU9BmQgg

    韩红 - 那个冬季

    深冬的夜晚里 - in a night of deep winter
    一个人望着天 - someone is looking into the sky
    难过的自语自言 - talking to oneself one's words with difficulty
    深深的叹息中 - in a very deep sigh
    听不到往昔的一丝缠绵 - can't hear in the former days' touching (emotions)
    早知道会又现这样的局面 - but (he/she) knew earlier that such a situation would appear
    不如不见 守着回忆 维持着想念 - ?
    深冬的夜晚里 - in a night of deep winter
    一个人望着天好好想想从前 - someone is looking into the sky, thinking very much about the past
    被困在自己的爱情城堡里 - surrounded by (his/her) own castle of love
    其实很无言 - actually without words
    谁能够告诉我 - who can let me know
    谁能来解释我 - who can analyze me
    此时的期待 - right now looking forward
    没有将来也没有现在 - having no future and no present
    窗外又飘起了雪 - outside the window snow again starts to float in the air
    你说过雪花像你 - you've said snow is like you
    如今的雪花已片片落地 - now the snow falls down to the ground piece by piece
    而你却离我而去 - but you've left me
    心依旧人依旧冬依旧歌依旧 - heart is as before, person is as before, winter is as before, song is as before
    你踪影不见 - there's no trace of you
    你随风散去 - you've scattered following the wind
  2. Soulful said:


    This is a beautiful song. Thank you for sharing this.

    The missing line:
    不如不见 守着回忆 维持着想念 - What if we do not see each other? Protect the memory, maintain our thoughts.
  3. ilkin said:


    Thank you.