Song "All I want be is where you are"

Thread: Song "All I want be is where you are"

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  1. robinepowell1 said:

    Default Song "All I want be is where you are"

    Heard this new song on the radio but can't seem to find it. Goes something like this: "All I wanna be is where you are.."

    I know that's a man singing this and it's sort got a dance beat to it. The voice sort of sounds like a combination of Enrique Iglesis and David Guette. Any ideas? Thanks!
  2. MissyFraser said:


    Did you figure out what the song was? : o. I've been searching all day, I had just heard this song last night on the radio. And I can't seem to find it. >w<
  3. lamah's Avatar

    lamah said:


    SHAWN HOOK - Every Red Light
    Είμαι στον κόσμο μου γιατί δεν μου αρέσει ο δικός σας....
  4. robinepowell1 said:


    Yeah I found it a while ago. I believe Shawn Hook is Canadian too.