Hamad al Braidi A7la Daneb / احلي ذنب حمد البريدي

Thread: Hamad al Braidi A7la Daneb / احلي ذنب حمد البريدي

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  1. 3Aloosh's Avatar

    3Aloosh said:

    Default Hamad al Braidi A7la Daneb / احلي ذنب حمد البريدي

    Hi, you all.

    Anyone can tell me the meaning of this arabic poem, please :


    I wish I can have also the transliteration of the lyrics with translation.
  2. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    Hamad al-Braidi is from Qatar. I found a YouTube video with the full text of the Qasida.
    قصيدة الذنب في وصل حبك / الشاعر حمد البريدي

    I'll give it a try, although someone like Gole will probably need to correct it.

    قصيدة: الذنب في وصل حبك
    qaSiida : adh-dhanba fii waSil Hibbik
    Poem: The sin in the connection to your love

    الشاعر: حمد البريدي المري
    ash-shaa3ir: Hamad al-Braidii al-marii
    Poet: Hamad al-Braidii al-marii

    الذنـب فـي وصـل حبـك .. ذنـب غـيـر الـذنـوب
    adh-dhanba fii waSil Hibbik..dhanb ghayr adh-dhunuub
    The sin is in the connection to your love. A sin - only sins.

    يـا أحلـى ذنــوب الحـيـاه .. الـلـي بـنـا مذنـبـه !!
    ya aHla dhunuub al-Hayaat .. illy bina madhnaba
    O most beautiful sins of life...the guilty one is with us.

    يا نور شمس الغلا .. لا تغيب شيـن الغـروب
    ya nuur shams al-ghalaa...la tgheeb sheen al-ghuruub
    O light of the precious sun...the [letter] sheen [ش or sh] of the sunset isn't absent.

    سـنــا جـبـيـنـك .. تـعـبــت آحـايـلــه .. وارقــبــه !!
    sana jbeenak .. ta3abt aaHaayla wargabha
    ______ I got tired of its beauties ... and its neck [?]

    تعال واشرب هوى الانفاس .. من كـل صـوب
    ta3aala ushrub hawa l-anfaas .. min killa Soob
    Come drink the love of souls ... from every direction

    وعطني هوى انفاسك المجنون .. ابغى اشربـه
    wa 3aTnee hawa anfaasik al-majnoon .. abgh ashrubha
    And give me the souls' crazy love .. I want to drink it.

    ابيـك !! وابغـى احتـرق بـك واحتـرق ليـن اذوب
    abeek! abgh aHtirig bik waHtirig laina adhuub
    My father! And I want to burn with you and I burn and I melt

    واللي من الشوق فـي صـدرك لصـدري جبـه !!
    woilly min ash-shoog fii Sadrik l-Sadry jibah
    and it's from the desire in your breast to my breast - bring it!

    سـكــت واخـفـيــت حــبــك يــــا الــصــدوق الــكــذوب
    saket wa akhfayt Hibbik aS-Saduug al-kudhuub
    You fell silent and hid your love, you trustworthy liar.

    ودســيــت دمــــع اشـتـيـاقـي قــبـــل مـــــا اسـكــبــه !!
    wa dsayt dam3 ishtiyagi gabil ma askubah
    The tear of longing fell before I poured it.

    تـقـول تكـفـى لـحــد يـــدري .. وأنـــا بـــك يـــا دوب
    tgool takfa l-Hadd yidry wana bik ya doob
    You say it's enough for someone to know .. And I'm with you, oh melting one

    امـــوت مـــن كلـمـتـك .. والــمــوت يــــا مـقـربــه !!
    amoot min kilmatik al-moat ya magrubah
    I'm dying from your words .. and Death, you're the one who's approaching.

    ذبـحـتــنــي بـالـسـجـايــا الــبــيـــض وأطـــهــــر دروب
    dhabaHtini bis-sajaya l-beeD waDHhara droob
    You slit my throat with your good characteristics/disposition it showed me paths [to take]

    مــــا فــيــك عــــذروب لــجــل آجــيــك وآعــذربــه !!
    ma feek 3adhruub lijal aadheek wa 3adhrubah
    there's no __________ inside you ______ came to me and ________

    حـبـي لشخـصـك لـضـى ويـشـب شـوقــي شـبــوب
    Hibby l-shakhSak l-Da way-shubb shoogi shubuub

    والـغـيــره تــحــط ضـلـعــان الــغــرام .. احـطـبــه !!
    wal-gheera tHuTT Dal3aan al-gharaam aHTubah
    And the jealous one put two out the two ribs of love and lost it.

    لا يــــــا مـــمـــات الـمـشــاعــر وانــكــســار الــقــلـــوب
    la ya mimaat al-mashaa3ir wa inkisaar al-gluub
    No, O you who is dying from feelings and broken hearts

    مــا هــوب انــا الـلـي تـحـسـب ان الـحــزن عـذبــه
    ma huub ana lly tHasb ann al-Huzn adhdhabah
    _____ I'm the one you judged to be being tortured from sadness

    الله خلقـنـي كــذااا .. شـاعـر وحكـيـي مـحـسـوب
    Allah khaligni kidha .. shaa3ir wa Hakiyy maHsuub
    God made me like this .. a poet and a calculating speaker

    وقـلـبـي مـعــا الـوقــت مـــا بـيـنــي وبـيـنــه شــبــه !!
    wgalbi ma3a al-wagt ma bayni wu baynaha shubha
    and my heart is with the time that isn't between me and the close-but-no-cigar

    وإن كـانــي حـزنــي مـــلا وجـهــي بـغـيــه شــحــوب
    wa in kaany Huzny mala wijhy bgheeh shuHuub
    and if my sadness were to fill my face, it would want __________

    فـيـســامــح الله مــــــن جـــروحـــي غـــــــدت بـســبــبــه
    fyasaamH aLLah min juruuhy ghaddt bisbibah
    For God permits me to be wounded and it becomes the cause of it.

    شـاعــرك يـــا ملـهـمـي صـــب الاحـاسـيـس كـــوب
    shaa3irik ya milhumy Subb al-aHaasees kuub
    Your poet, O brilliant one, is pouring his feelings into a cup.

    ونــــمــــى بـــحـــبـــك مـــشـــاعـــر تــنــتــظـــر مـــوهـــبـــه
    wnima bHibbik mashaa3ir tantaDHr mawhibeh
    and his love for you grew while waiting for your gift

    اعجـبـتـنـي واشــربــك الاعــجــاب فـيـنــي شــــروب
    a3jibtny washrubak al-i3jaab feeniya shuruub
    It pleases me and I drink you while taking pleasure in the drinking

    مـــعــــا انـــــــه يـــقــــول مـــحــــدن فـالــبــشــر يـعــجــبــه
    ma3a nnahe yguul maHden fel-bishar ya3jibah
    However, _______ says for humanity is what pleases him.

    طــفــولــتـــك والــــبـــــراءه يــــــــــا الـــــغـــــزال الـــلـــعــــوب
    Tufuulatak wa baraa2a yal-ghazaal al-lu3uub
    Your childhood and innocence, O object of my love, is a game

    تــــلــــت مــعــالــيــق ذوقــــــــي واقــــــــدرت تــنــهــبــه !!
    talit ma3aaleeg dhoogy wigdarat tanhubah
    Three hung people - my taste was able to plunder it [?]

    وكـلامــك الـمــوت يـشـمـل بــــي ويـجـنــب جــنــوب
    wu klaamak al-mowt yishmal biyya wu yijniba junuub
    And your words are the death that smells me and comes to my side.

    وافـــــــز لا مـــــــن حــكــيـــت الــســالــفــه وانــتـــبـــه !!
    wafizz la' min Hakayt as-saalfaha wentubah
    and provokes - not from __________ and watch out!

    كـنـي عـلــى رجـــم شـــوق وكـــل ضـحـكـه هـبــوب
    kinny 3ala rijm shoog wkillu DaHkiha haboob
    I was on a diet of love and everyone laughed at the storm

    وسـوالــف الـبــرد .. فــــي حــضــن الــدفــا تـسـكـبـه
    waswaalif al-berd fi HuDn al-dfaa taskubah
    ___ the cold in the warm embrace ________

    يا صاحبي .. لا بغيت الوصل دجت الدروب
    ya Saahiby la baghayt al-waSal dajjt ad-droob
    My friend, I don't want the connection that made the roads noisy.

    ابـوصـلـك لـــو عــلــى لـقـيــاك .. قــطــع رقــبــه !!
    abowSalik lao 3ala l-gaik .. gaTa3a rgubah
    Your compass, if it meets you, will cut its throat.

    مــا دامــي اذنـبـت حـبـك ( جعلـنـي مــا اتـــوب )
    ma daamy dhanbt Hibbik ja3alny ma atoob
    I'm still committing the sin of your love and it pains me that I don't repent.

    يـا احلـى ذنــوب الحـيـاه .. الـلـي بـنـا مذنـبـه !!
    ya aHla dhunuub al-Hayaat .. illy bina madhnaba
    O most beautiful sins of life...the guilty one is with us.
    Last edited by Ulysses.Rap; 12-19-2011 at 01:47 AM.
  3. 3Aloosh's Avatar

    3Aloosh said:


    Thank you so much Ulysses but I can't understand the meaning of your translation? I liked it because of the instrumental, it sounds like turkish songs.
    Last edited by 3Aloosh; 12-19-2011 at 05:12 PM.
  4. aila's Avatar

    aila said:


    abeek= I want you
  5. Gole Yas said:


    i loved loved LOVED this.. thanks for sharing..

    Im sooo sorry,, just looking at older post and came across this.. sorry for the very late replyyyy =(

    Emm, sweety I just HAD to ask, where did you get your translation from =P ?

    قصيدة: الذنب في وصل حبك
    8a9edat: El thanb fi wa9l 7ubik
    Poem: The sin in loving you

    الشاعر: حمد البريدي المري
    Al sha3er: 7amad Al-Braidii Al-Marri
    Poet: Hamad al-Braidii al-marii
    الذنـب فـي وصـل حبـك .. ذنـب غـيـر الـذنـوب
    elthanb fi wa9l 7ubik… thanb ‘3air elthinoob
    The sin in loving you… is a sin like no other

    يـا أحلـى ذنــوب الحـيـاه .. الـلـي بـنـا مذنـبـه !!
    ya a7la thnoob el7aya… eli bina mithnbeh
    O most beautiful sins of life... [life] which is sinful by us

    يا نور شمس الغلا .. لا تغيب شيـن الغـروب
    ya noor shams el’3ala… la t’3eeb shayn el’3roob
    O light of the sun of preciousness.. don’t set, oh how bad the sun set is!!

    سـنــا جـبـيـنـك .. تـعـبــت آحـايـلــه .. وارقــبــه !!
    sana jbeenik.. ti3abt a7aylah.. o ar8bah
    your forhead glowed (meaning your face lit up)… I have grown tired of trying to give and take with it… and just waiting for it

    تعال واشرب هوى الانفاس .. من كـل صـوب
    ta3al o ishrab hawa el2anfas.. min kil 9oob
    Come drink the love of souls... from every direction

    وعطني هوى انفاسك المجنون .. ابغى اشربـه
    o 3a6ni hawa anfasik elmajnoon… ab’3a ashrbah
    And give me the soul of your crazy love .. I want to drink it

    ابيـك !! وابغـى احتـرق بـك واحتـرق ليـن اذوب
    abeek! O ab’3a a7tirig bik o a7tirig lain athoob
    I want you! And I want to burn within you, I want to burn till I melt

    واللي من الشوق فـي صـدرك لصـدري جبـه !!
    wili min elshof fi 9adrik l9adri jibh
    And what’s within you from desire, bring it inside of me!

    سـكــت واخـفـيــت حــبــك يــــا الــصــدوق الــكــذوب
    sikat, o a5fait 7ubik el9dog, elkthob
    I kept quiet, and I hid my honest love towards you, all lies

    ودســيــت دمــــع اشـتـيـاقـي قــبـــل مـــــا اسـكــبــه !!
    o dasait dam3 ishtiyagi gabil ma askibeh
    And I pushed in the tears of my longing before I shed them

    تـقـول تكـفـى لـحــد يـــدري .. وأنـــا بـــك يـــا دوب
    tgool tkfa la7ad yadri.. o ana bik ya dob
    You say “please, don’t let anyone know”… and with you, I barely [stay alive]

    امـــوت مـــن كلـمـتـك .. والــمــوت يــــا مـقـربــه !!
    amoot min kilmitik.. wilmot ya mgrbeh
    I'm dying from your words .. and oh how my death is near

    ذبـحـتــنــي بـالـسـجـايــا الــبــيـــض وأطـــهــــر دروب
    thiba7tni bilsajaya elbee’6 o a6har gloob
    You killed me with your white (innocent) characteristics, and the most pure path

    مــــا فــيــك عــــذروب لــجــل آجــيــك وآعــذربــه !!
    ma feek 3ithroob lajil aajeek o a3athribeh
    You have no bad characteristic so I can come and hold it against you

    حـبـي لشخـصـك لـضـى ويـشـب شـوقــي شـبــوب
    7oby fi sha59ik l’6a, o yshib shogi shboob
    My love to you is like fire without smoke… and my yearning is burning like a million fires

    والـغـيــره تــحــط ضـلـعــان الــغــرام .. احـطـبــه !!
    wil’3eera t7i6 ‘6l3an el’3ram.. i76iba
    And jelousy puts the ribs of love.. like a piece of wood [in the fire]

    لا يــــــا مـــمـــات الـمـشــاعــر وانــكــســار الــقــلـــوب
    la ya mamat elmasha3er winkisar elgloob
    No, O the dying of feelings and you heart breaks (talking to “dying of feelings” and “heart breaks” as if they are people)

    مــا هــوب انــا الـلـي تـحـسـب ان الـحــزن عـذبــه
    ma ho ana eli t7asib in el7izin 3athibah
    Don’t think that I’m a person who is tortured by sadness

    الله خلقـنـي كــذااا .. شـاعـر وحكـيـي مـحـسـوب
    Allah 5ilagni kitha.. sha3er o 7akyi m7soob
    God created me like this.. a poet, and my words are accounted for

    وقـلـبـي مـعــا الـوقــت مـــا بـيـنــي وبـيـنــه شــبــه !!
    o galbi ma3a elwakt ma baini o bainah shibah
    And with time, my heart and I have our similarities

    وإن كـانــي حـزنــي مـــلا وجـهــي بـغـيــه شــحــوب
    o in kan 7izni mala wajhi b’3yah sh7oob
    And if my sadness filled my face and it turned pale

    فـيـســامــح الله مــــــن جـــروحـــي غـــــــدت بـســبــبــه
    fa ysame7 Allah min jro7i ‘3idat bsbibeh
    May God forgive he who is the reason behind my wounds

    شـاعــرك يـــا ملـهـمـي صـــب الاحـاسـيـس كـــوب
    shaa3irik ya milhimy 9ab el2a7asees kob
    Your poet, O my muse, has poured out his feelings as if filling a cup

    ونــــمــــى بـــحـــبـــك مـــشـــاعـــر تــنــتــظـــر مـــوهـــبـــه
    o nama b7ubik masha3er tinti’6ir mawhibeh
    And with your love, grew out feelings who were just waiting for a talent (meaning that they were waiting for someone with talent to come and pour them/ say them out loud)

    اعجـبـتـنـي واشــربــك الاعــجــاب فـيـنــي شــــروب
    a3jibtny washrubak il i3jab feeni shroob
    you liked me [I pleased you], and I fed you my feelings as if they were a drink

    مـــعــــا انـــــــه يـــقــــول مـــحــــدن فـالــبــشــر يـعــجــبــه
    ma3 enah ygool ma7din filbishar ya3jibeh
    Though he says that amongst all people no person can please him

    طــفــولــتـــك والــــبـــــراءه يــــــــــا الـــــغـــــزال الـــلـــعــــوب
    6foltik wilbara2a ya ‘3azal el l3oob
    Your childhood and innocence, O playful doe (female dear)

    تــــلــــت مــعــالــيــق ذوقــــــــي واقــــــــدرت تــنــهــبــه !!
    talat ma3aleeg thogi o igdirat tinhibeh
    Pulled the hangers of taste in things, and was able to alert it

    وكـلامــك الـمــوت يـشـمـل بــــي ويـجـنــب جــنــوب
    o kalamik elmot, yishmil bi o yijnib jnoob
    And your words which kill me, carry me north and south

    وافـــــــز لا مـــــــن حــكــيـــت الــســالــفــه وانــتـــبـــه !!
    o afiz la min 7ekait elsalfeh o antibih
    And I jump up when you speak of something, and I focus

    كـنـي عـلــى رجـــم شـــوق وكـــل ضـحـكـه هـبــوب
    kanni 3ala rajm shog o kil ‘6a7ka hboob
    As if im yearning for you to speak out, and every laugh is like wind passing by

    وسـوالــف الـبــرد .. فــــي حــضــن الــدفــا تـسـكـبـه
    o suwalif elbard, fi 7a’6n eldifa taskibeh
    And the talks of coldness, you pour out in the embrace of warmth

    يا صاحبي .. لا بغيت الوصل دجت الدروب
    ya 9a7ebi la b’3ait elwa9el dajat eldroob
    My friend, if I wanted to get to you, I would fight the paths

    ابـوصـلـك لـــو عــلــى لـقـيــاك .. قــطــع رقــبــه !!
    abaw9ilik lo 3ala lgyak ga63 rgebah
    I would reach you, even if meeting you meant a throat has to be cut {meaning even if there is death in the process, I will still do it}

    مــا دامــي اذنـبـت حـبـك جعلـنـي مــا اتـــوب
    ma daamy athnabt 7ibik ya ja3alny ma atoob
    for as long as I have committed the sin of loving you, may I never repent

    يـا احلـى ذنــوب الحـيـاه .. الـلـي بـنـا مذنـبـه !!
    ya a7la thnoob el7aya.. eli bina mithnibeh
    O most beautiful sins of life... [life] which is sinful by us
  6. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    The translation came from me! :'(