Astro del ciel

Thread: Astro del ciel

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  1. vegetassj's Avatar

    vegetassj said:

    Default Astro del ciel

    Astro del Ciel, pargol divin,
    Mite agnello, Redentor,
    Tu che i Vati da lungi sognâr,
    Tu che angeliche voci nunziâr,
    Luce dona alle menti,
    Pace infondi nei cuor.
    Astro del Ciel, pargol divin,
    Mite agnello, Redentor,
    Tu di stirpe regale decor,
    Tu virgineo, mistico fior,
    Luce dona alle menti,
    Pace infondi nei cuor.
    Astro del Ciel, pargol divin,
    Mite agnello, Redentor,
    Tu disceso a scontare l'error,
    Tu sol nato a parlare d'amor,
    Luce dona alle menti,
    Pace infondi nei cuor;
    Luce dona alle menti,
    Pace infondi nei cuor.
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Astro del Ciel, pargol divin,/ Star of the welkin, heavenly child
    Mite agnello, Redentor,/ gentle lamb, redeemer
    Tu che i Vati da lungi sognâr,/you, whom the prophets foresaw long ago
    Tu che angeliche voci nunziâr,/you, announced by heavenly voices
    Luce dona alle menti,/ enlighten the minds
    Pace infondi nei cuor./ infuse peace into people's hearts
    Astro del Ciel, pargol divin,/ Star of the welkin, heavenly child
    Mite agnello, Redentor,/ gentle lamb, redeemer
    Tu di stirpe regale decor,/ you, glory of noble lineage
    Tu virgineo, mistico fior,/ you, virginal and mystical flower
    Luce dona alle menti,/ enlighten the minds
    Pace infondi nei cuor./ infuse peace into people's hearts
    Astro del Ciel, pargol divin,/ Star of the welkin, heavenly child
    Mite agnello, Redentor,/ gentle lamb, redeemer
    Tu disceso a scontare l'error,/ you, came down to suffer for the sin
    Tu sol nato a parlare d'amor,/ you, born just to talk of love
    Luce dona alle menti,/ enlighten the minds
    Pace infondi nei cuor./ infuse peace into people's hearts
    Luce dona alle menti,/ enlighten the minds
    Pace infondi nei cuor./ infuse peace into people's hearts
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"