(Japanese to English) Cleaning Switch Hatsune Miku [Vocaloid]

Thread: (Japanese to English) Cleaning Switch Hatsune Miku [Vocaloid]

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  1. faram45's Avatar

    faram45 said:

    Question (Japanese to English) Cleaning Switch Hatsune Miku [Vocaloid]

    I really want to know what is being said in this song.
  2. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    絵の具の青と空模様パレット 色合い再確認
    I re-check that my blue paint and the sky’s palette match color
    上空キャンパス塗り立て注意 できあがりさ洗濯日和

    水たまり浮かべたら渦を巻く グルグルリ
    When I think of the puddles, I coil the whirlpools up, round and round (??)
    羊雲 漂白剤加えたら キラキラ
    When I add in the bleach, the clouds sparkle

    I pour yesterday’s gloominess into the water
    真っ白なキモチ 天気回復
    I feel pure white, the weather gets good again

    ラムネ飛沫のぞく 虹の7つ
    The seven colors of the rainbow after a ramune splash (??)
    物干し飛行機雲 ローブウェイ
    The clothes rack and the vapor trails make a ropeway (??)

    I make a coating by gathering the smell of sunlight in the whole town (??)
    怪盗ウィンディ 持ってったとっておきを

    Taking a big sigh
    カシスオレンジ注いで 乾杯
    I pour (a glass of) Cassis Orange, kanpai

    クシャクシャな気持ちも アイロンかけてのばせるさ
    With the iron I can smooth out even this gloomy feeling*
    ほらね いつもの笑顔で
    Hey, let’s meet again tomorrow
    また会いましょう 明日に 明日に…
    With that usual smile/With that smile you/I/we always have
    Wait a sec!

    星空チケット 予約していた者ですが
    I had a ticket to (see) the starry sky
    町中のライトの光を集めて スターメイカー
    Gathering all the city’s light, (I make a/it's like a) star maker
    乾いたシーツは広げよう できたオーロラ
    I spread out the dried sheets, it makes an aurora (??)
    怪盗ウィンディつかまえた 灯台下暗し
    I caught the windy thief, it was right in front of me the whole time**

    Where is my bed tonight?
    よごれた昨日をリセット 今日には
    Today, I reset the muddy/dirty yesterday
    Just like the sheets I washed
    また… 明日
    (I’m gonna do it) again … tomorrow or
    See you again... tomorrow

    *The word クシャクシャ means both crumple up/crinkly and in a grumpy mood, so that why she's saying she can smooth it out with an iron, cuz she's comparing her grumpy mood to clothes
    **Literally it says "Darkness beneath the lighthouse," which is some idiom which is defined by this website as 「灯台の真下が暗いように、身近な事はかえって気付かず見落としがちなことのたとえ。」 me aning "Just as right below a lighthouse is dark, familiar things are an example of things that you tend to overlook. (??)" That's why I translated it the way I did.
  3. faram45's Avatar

    faram45 said:


    Would you be alright if I subtitled it with you translation?
    Crediting you somehow?
  4. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Of course! But if you're going to go so far, please let me make the translation a bit better. I might be able to talk to some of my friends or Japanese teacher and see if they can't help me out.
  5. faram45's Avatar

    faram45 said:


    Ah ok.
    I'll wait till you think it's good.
  6. faram45's Avatar

    faram45 said:


    Just checking to make sure you haven't forgotten.