El Denyi Helwi - Fares Karam

Thread: El Denyi Helwi - Fares Karam

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  1. Keefek said:

    Default El Denyi Helwi - Fares Karam


    First can someone please translate this clip?

    Second can anyone please tell me who originally sings this song because I have no clue and I know it's not Fares Karam's song...any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    I found that it belongs to Khalil Hallaq خليل حلاق

    الدنيا حلوة برجالها، لا بقصورها ولا بمالها
    Life is beautiful with it's men, not with it's palaces nor it's money
    واللي في عندها رجال، اوعى تترك رجالها
    & the women who has a man, beware not to leave her man

    الدنيا حلوة تنين تنين، حلوة شركة بين قلبين
    Life is beautiful as couples, it's beauty is to be partnership between tow hearts
    ويا عيني نقيلك عين، تبيعي الدنيا براس مالها
    Oh my eye, choose yours, so that you'd sell the world for it

    الدنيا حلوة بالعشاق، بالحب ال كلو اشواق
    Life is beautiful being filled with lovers
    with longing love
    يللي قلبو ما بيشتاق، يترك هالدنيا بحالها
    THe one who doesn't miss anyone (doesn't have love), let he leave the life

    شو نفع الدنيا بلا حب، يللا نعشق يلا نحب
    What's the use of life with no love, let's love, let's adore
    الله يخلي كل محب، ويحمي الدنيا ورجالها
    May god save all lovers, & protect the world & its men
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  3. Keefek said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Oriee View Post
    I found that it belongs to Khalil Hallaq خليل حلاق

    الدنيا حلوة برجالها، لا بقصورها ولا بمالها
    Life is beautiful with it's men, not with it's palaces nor it's money
    واللي في عندها رجال، اوعى تترك رجالها
    & the women who has a man, beware not to leave her man

    الدنيا حلوة تنين تنين، حلوة شركة بين قلبين
    Life is beautiful as couples, it's beauty is to be partnership between tow hearts
    ويا عيني نقيلك عين، تبيعي الدنيا براس مالها
    Oh my eye, choose yours, so that you'd sell the world for it

    الدنيا حلوة بالعشاق، بالحب ال كلو اشواق
    Life is beautiful being filled with lovers
    with longing love
    يللي قلبو ما بيشتاق، يترك هالدنيا بحالها
    THe one who doesn't miss anyone (doesn't have love), let he leave the life

    شو نفع الدنيا بلا حب، يللا نعشق يلا نحب
    What's the use of life with no love, let's love, let's adore
    الله يخلي كل محب، ويحمي الدنيا ورجالها
    May god save all lovers, & protect the world & its men
    WOW, YOU ARE AMAZING, Thank you so much, I have been looking every where for this song!!!!
  4. Keefek said:


    Can somebody please use those arabic lyrics and translate the song into arabic-english aka latin letters? Please and thank you.
  5. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    الدنيا حلوة برجالها، لا بقصورها ولا بمالها
    Edinyi 7ilwi birjala, la bi2sora wala b mala
    Life is beautiful with it's men, not with it's palaces nor it's money
    واللي في عندها رجال، اوعى تترك رجالها
    W elli fi 3inda rijjal, ow3a ow3a tetrok rijjala
    & the women who has a man, beware not to leave her man

    الدنيا حلوة تنين تنين، حلوة شركة بين قلبين
    Edineyi 7ilwi tnayn tnayn 7ilwi shirke ben albayin
    Life is beautiful as couples, it's beauty is to be partnership between tow hearts
    ويا عيني نقيلك عين، تبيعي الدنيا براس مالها
    W ya 3ayini na2ilik 3ayn, tbee3i edinyie bras mala
    Oh my eye, choose yours, so that you'd sell the world for it

    الدنيا حلوة بالعشاق، بالحب ال كلو اشواق
    Edinyi 7ilwi bil 3ish-sha2 bi el7ob el killo ashwaq
    Life is beautiful being filled with lovers
    with longing love
    يللي قلبو ما بيشتاق، يترك هالدنيا بحالها
    Yalli albo ma beyashta2, yetrok ha deniyi b 7ala
    THe one who doesn't miss anyone (doesn't have love), let he leave the life

    شو نفع الدنيا بلا حب، يللا نعشق يلا نحب
    Sho naf3 edenie bla 7ob, yalla ne3sha2 yalla n7eb
    What's the use of life with no love, let's love, let's adore
    الله يخلي كل محب، ويحمي الدنيا ورجالها
    Allah y5alli kil m7ib, w ye7mi edeniye w rjala
    May god save all lovers, & protect the world & its men
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God