Andrea - Losha

Thread: Andrea - Losha

Tags: andrea, losha, translation
  1. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:

    Default Andrea - Losha


    Ще понеса греха, ако е с твойто име.
    I will bear the sin if it's called with your name.

    Ти си скалата, във която се разбивам.
    You are the stone, where I am breaking.
    Тялото ми връща. Все такива са вълните.
    My body is sent back. The waves are always like this.
    Нека всичко боли ме, но да съм с теб!
    Let everything hurts me, but I'm with you!
    Ти си вратата на греха. Сега ще блъскам
    You are the door to sin. I will thump it.
    Колко съм съдена, че искам да ме пуснеш!
    I am so judged that I want you let me come in!
    Нека всички ме сочат, но да съм с теб!
    Let everyone shows at me, but to be with you!

    Хайде, напиши по цялото ми тяло!
    Come on, write all over my body!
    Друг да не пипа! Твоя съм изцяло.
    Another won't touch me! I'm completely yours.
    Лоша прави ме! Аз ще понеса греха,
    Make me a bad girl. I will bear the sin,
    ако е с твойто име.
    if it's called with your name.
    Хайде, напиши го, дявол да го вземе!
    Come on, write it. Damn it!
    После вземи ме! Искам само тебе.
    Then take me. I want only with you.
    Лоша прави ме! Аз ще понеса греха,
    Make me a bad girl. I will bear the sin,
    ако си Ада бъди сега.
    f you are the Hell, be now
    Той ме взе за това..
    He took me to that...
    С най-добрия съм била..
    I was with the best..

    Аз съм треперила, но пак съм издържала.
    I've thrilled but I've stood.
    Тръпки не можеха пред теб да се изправят.
    Thrills couldn't stand up against you.
    Със сълзи съм платила и ще стоя.
    I've paid with tears and I'll stay.
    Ти си годините, които съм брояла,
    You' re the years,which I've count,
    всичките ми нужди, горещото ми тяло.
    all my needs, my hot body.
    В тях сърце съм стопила и ще стоя.
    I've melted my heart in them and I'll stay.

    Хайде, напиши по цялото ми тяло!
    Come on, write all over my body!
    Друг да не пипа! Твоя съм изцяло.
    Another won't touch me! I'm completely yours.
    Лоша прави ме! Аз ще понеса греха,
    Make me a bad girl. I will bear the sin,
    ако е с твойто име.
    if it's called with your name.
    Хайде, напиши го, дявол да го вземе!
    Come on, write it. Damn it!
    После вземи ме! Искам само тебе.
    Then take me. I want only with you.
    Лоша прави ме! Аз ще понеса греха,
    Make me a bad girl. I will bear the sin,
    ако си Ада бъди сега.
    f you are the Hell, be now

    Той ме взе за това..
    He took me to that...
    С най-добрия съм била..
    I was with the best..

    Хайде, напиши по цялото ми тяло!
    Come on, write all over my body!
    Друг да не пипа! Твоя съм изцяло.
    Another won't touch me! I'm completely yours.
    Лоша прави ме! Аз ще понеса греха,
    Make me a bad girl. I will bear the sin,
    ако е с твойто име.
    if it's called with your name.
    Хайде, напиши го, дявол да го вземе!
    Come on, write it. Damn it!
    После вземи ме! Искам само тебе.
    Then take me. I want only with you.
    Лоша прави ме! Аз ще понеса греха,
    Make me a bad girl. I will bear the sin,
    ако си Ада бъди сега.
    f you are the Hell, be now.
  2. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    If you wonder what writes in the beginning look here

    "Който пролее човешка кръв и неговата, кръв от човек ще се пролее защото Бог направи човека по Своя образ." (Битие 9:6)
    "Koito prolee choveshka krav i negovata, krav ot chovek shte se prolee zashtoto Bog napravi choveka po Svoia obraz" (Bitie 9:6)
    "Whoever sheds human blood and its blood, by human shall their blood be shed because God has made us on His own image"(Genesis 9:6)

    Днес различните, свободните, смелите, дръжките са като огледало, в което някои виждат надеждите и мечтите си, други - завистта и омразата, а трети - тайните помисли пъклените си планове.
    Dnes razlichnite, svobodnite, smelite, drajkite sa kato ogledalo, v koeto niakoi vijdat nadejdite i mechtite si, drugi - zavistta i omrazata, a treti - tainite pomisli paklenite si planove.
    Today those who are different,free,brave who dare are like a mirror in which some see their hopes and dreams and others - their enviness and hatred, and third ones their secret thoughts and hellish plans.

    Заслепени от него посредствеността и малодушието готвят тайни завери, превръщайки думите в камъни, а разпятието в задължителен ритуал.
    Zaslepeni ot nego posredstvenostta a malodushieto gotviat taini zaveri, prevrashtaiki dumite v kamani, a razpiatieto v zadaljitelen ritual.
    Blinded by it, the mediocrity and the cowardice are preparing secret conspiracy, transforming the words into rocks, and the crucification into a obligatory ritual.

    Тогава идва "справедливото" отмъщение.Дългоочакваното наказание, което духовните воайори чакат...
    Togava idva "spravedlivoto" otmashtenie. Dalgoochakvanoto nakazanie, koeto duhovnite voaiori chakat...
    Then comes the fair revange. The long awaited punishment for that the spiritual voayeurs are waiting

    Без съд.
    Bez sad.
    Without judgement

    Без присъда.
    Bez prisada
    Without conviction



  3. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:


    How did you like the video?
  4. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    I like the effects But I not agree that Andrea do the same thing like Jesus Christ, I think is a mockery.
    Btw. искам да ме пуснеш! - I want to let me go (to break up)
  5. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:


    Hahahah, I know. Cause the verb is like in Serbian - pustiš. I don't know why I have typed in.
    Well, that punishment was in Rome a lot years ago before Jesus, but still it's weird.
    But the song is awesome.
  6. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Both of you need someone to fix you
  7. get_attitude_'s Avatar

    get_attitude_ said:


    Quote Originally Posted by natasha.andreeva View Post
    Hahahah, I know. Cause the verb is like in Serbian - pustiš. I don't know why I have typed in.
    Actually you were right. Because it refers to the door. She wants him to let her come in trough the door and not to let her go: "Let everything hurts me but to be with you"/"You are the door to sin". She doesn't want them to break up. She wants them to be together even if by the fact that are together they would be judged by society
  8. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    It seems that we get entirely confused But now it's clear thanks to get_attitude Sorry Natasha ..
  9. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:


    I thought that, than I got confused and thought I was wrong. It's okay and thanks!
    Yosis, have a problem?