Rashed El Majed - Sekkar el 3oyoun

Thread: Rashed El Majed - Sekkar el 3oyoun

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  1. Yasser.2307 said:

    Default Rashed El Majed - Sekkar el 3oyoun

    Hi everyone,

    Please I would like the song "Sekkar el 3oyoun" from Rashed el Majed, translated. Both in English as well as Franco-arabic.

    Thanks a lott!!!
  2. AhmedEbrahim's Avatar

    AhmedEbrahim said:


    أذوب بعيونك الحلوه وسكرها وحتى الدنيا أنساها ,, ولا اذكرها
    I melt in your beautiful eyes and it's sweetness , I forget the world and don't remember it
    أنا الي سكر عيونك يذوبني ,, دخيلك لا تذوبني وسكرها
    I'm who your eyes sweetness melts , please don't melt me with its sweetness
    انا ادري ذوبتهم نظرت عيونك ,, وصارو من حلاوتها يحبونك
    I know your eyes have melted them all , and because of it's sweetness they all love you
    وادري أني لوحدي لوحدي ,, ساكن بكونك ولعيوني جميع تنكرها
    and I know that only me , only me is living in your world and for my eyes you decline them all
    تغار وتسعد احساسي بهالغيره واحس بأني لقلبك موطن وديره
    you get jealous and I feel happy to feel that , and I feel that I'm your heart's homeland
    ولاغيرك شغل قلبي وتفكيره يالذة دنيتي الحلوه وسكرها
    no one else did busy my heart and its thoughts , but you my beautiful world's sweetness and pleasure
    تدلعني وفيك الروح ملتاعه ,, وانا روحي لدلالك دوم طماعة
    you flatter me with your joyful soul , and my soul for your flattering is always greedy
    معاك ودي أوقف عقرب الساعة وحتى عيوني ماودي اسكرها
    with you I want to stop the clock's pointer even my eyes I don't want to close them
    إذا تهمس احس بلهفت انفاسك واحس اني انا مت من دفوة انفاسك
    if you whisper I feel you breathe and I feel I'm dying from its warmness
    واحس بكل فكرة حب في راسك قبل ما تقولها لي او تفكرها
    I feel every love idea in your mind before you tell it or thinking about it
    وجودك في حياتي يامهنيها ,, يعوضني عن الدنيا وما فيها
    your existence in my life pleases it , compensates me from anything in the world
    وروحك لا عجزت بروحي اوفيها على كثر المحبه ودي اشكرها
    I couldn't with my soul to give yours enough compensation,I want to thank it for all this love

    I did my best !

  3. Gole Yas said:


    sweety this song was already done, please search next time..

    a few corrections and the transliteration can be found here:

  4. Yasser.2307 said:


    @AhmedIbrahim - Thanks for the translation
    @Gole Yas - Okay thanks for the link, I actually looked for it and didnt find it, probably because the title of the song is very weird written.