Yara - Esma3 Esma3

Thread: Yara - Esma3 Esma3

Tags: esma3, esmaa, ismaa, yara
  1. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:

    Default Yara - Esma3 Esma3

    So, I found this new song by Yara; إسمع إسمع. Is there a new album out yet, and if yes, how is it called?
    Anyways, I found many fu***d up versions of the lyrics; I took the most sensemaking lyrics and even corrected it a bit; but any correction on the lyrics itself OR the translation is appreciated:

    إسمع إسمع دق قلبي مسرعة
    Esma3 esma3, dagg galby mesra3ah
    Listen, listen; my heart's beat gets faster
    دامك اوّل حب عندي واخره
    Damek awwel 7ebb 3andy w akherah
    You continue to be my first and last love I ever had
    جيتك وكلي مشاعر وامتعة
    Jeetek w kelly mesha3r w amta3ah
    I came to you with all my poems and belongings
    ولعيونك انا جيتك طايرة
    W li 3eyounek ana jeetek 6ayrah
    And to your eyes, I came flyingly to you

    دقات قلبي تسابق خطوتي صوبك
    Deggat galby tesabeg kha6wety 9obak
    My heart's beats precede my step towards you
    يالّي ملكت خفوقي برقة اسلوبك
    Yally malakt khafougy b regget eslobak
    You are the one, who claimed my beats by your kind manner
    حبّك بحـر واشواق قلبي شراعه
    7ebbak ba7r w ashwag galby ashra3ah
    Your love is a sea and that aims for my heart's love
    وحبّك قدر حلّى السنين الجايرة
    W 7ebbak gedar 7alla el seneen el jayerah
    And your love's fate sweetened the unjust years.

    إسمع إسمع يا الغلا وكل غلا
    Esma3 esma3, ya el ghala w kel ghala
    Listen, listen; oh that precious one is the only one /Verbatim; "oh the precious one is every precious one."/
    دقّ قلبي والمشاعر حاضرة
    Dagg galby w el mesha3r 7a9'rah
    My heart beat and the poems were present
    كان قلبي شوق بالحب امتلا
    Kan galby shoug bi el 7ebb emtala
    My heart's desire was filled with love
    كاني بلا واشواق قلبي عامره
    Kanny bala w ashwag galby 3amrah
    I was tested and the my heart's love was prospering /or so?/

    شوف الوله وش عمل في قلبي مع حبوبه؟
    Shouf el waleh weish 3emal fi galby ma3a 7eboubah?
    Seeing the kindness, what am I to do with his love in my heart?
    خلاني امشي وادوّر يا الغلا دروبه
    Khallany amshy w adawwar ya el ghala droubah
    Oh precious one, he left me to walk and beseech his paths
    والي عذل بالحب لا لا مسمعه
    W elly 3edhal bi el 7ebb la la mesma3ah
    And that reproach of love, it is not heard
    انت الأصل والغيرة عاديّ اخسره
    Enta el a9el w el gheirah 3ady akhsarah
    You are the principle and with jealousy I'll ordinarily lose it.

    إسمع إسمع ما اعشق غيرك احد
    Esma3 esma3, ma a3eshag gherek a7ad
    Listen, listen, I do not love any one but you
    دونك فؤادي عروقه حايرة
    Dounek fou2adi 3erougah 7ayerah
    Without you, my heart's veins are confused.
    والعشق لو حلّي في قلب الأسد
    W el 3asheg lou 7ally fi galb el asad
    And if love is my cure in the lion's heart /What?!/
    أصبح ارهف من الطيور الطايرة
    A9ba7 arhaf m el 6eyour el 6ayerah
    It gets higher than the flying birds /I just assumed, she means "higher" with "arhaf", but it actually means "more sensitive"./

    قلبي جبل بالمحبة اصبح يذوبك
    Galby jebal bi el ma7ebbah a9ba7 yedhoubak
    My heart was made for love and becomes melting for you.
    ما بك عيوب وهذا اكبر عيوبك
    Ma bek 3eyoub w hadha akbar 3eyoubak
    No shame on you, and this is bigger than your shames. /Senselessness strikes again!/
    وانا زهر لو جف عنه منبعة
    W ana zahr lou jef 3annah manba3ah
    And if I dried out as a flower, I was just caused to gush out for him.
    مات بقهر وانت السنين الماطرة
    Mat bi gahr w ant el sneen el ma6erah
    The rainy years died with your force. /I could not make any sense of that sentence, other than with this./

    Like I said, corrections welcome and begged for, anytime!
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  2. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    Attention, attention
    Please attend this post and help me amend the translation, people. Chop chop!
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  3. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    It's called نغني سوا but I'm not sure whether it's for 2011 or 2012

    إسمع إسمع دق قلبي ما أسرعه
    Esma3 esma3, dagg galby mesra3ah
    Listen, listen; how fast my heart beats
    دامك اوّل حب عندي واخره
    Damek awwel 7ebb 3andy w akherah
    As long as you're my first and last love I ever had
    جيتك وكلي مشاعر وامتعة
    Jeetek w kelly mesha3r w amta3ah
    I came to you with filled with feelings and belongings
    ولعيونك انا جيتك طايرة
    W li 3eyounek ana jeetek 6ayrah
    And to your eyes, I came flyingly to you

    دقات قلبي تسابق خطوتي صوبك
    Deggat galby tesabeg kha6wety 9obak
    My heart's beats precede my step towards you
    يالّي ملكت الخفوق برقة اسلوبك
    Yally malakt khafougy b regget eslobak
    You are the one, who owned my heart by your kind manner
    حبّك بحـر واشواق قلبي أشرعه
    7ebbak ba7r w ashwag galby ashra3ah
    Your love is a sea and the passion in my heart is canvas(I'm sailing in your heart, I love you)
    وحبّك قدر حلّى السنين الجائرة
    W 7ebbak gedar 7alla el seneen el jayerah
    And your love's fate sweetened the unjust years.

    إسمع إسمع يا الغلا وكلي غلا
    Esma3 esma3, ya el ghala w keli ghala
    Listen, listen; oh that precious one and I'm full of love
    دقّ قلبي والمشاعر حاضرة
    Dagg galby w el mesha3r 7a9'rah
    My heart beat and teh feelings are present
    كان قلبي شوق بالحب امتلا
    Kan galby shoug bi el 7ebb emtala
    As if My heart's desire was filled with love
    كاني بلد واشواق قلبي عامره
    Kanny bala w ashwag galby 3amrah
    As if I'm a country and the passion in my heart is its people

    شوف الوله وش عمل في قلب محبوبك
    Shouf el waleh weish 3emal fi galb ma7eboubah
    Notice what have longing done with beloved heart
    خلاني امشي وادوّر يا الغلا دروبه
    Khallany amshy w adawwar ya el ghala droubah
    Oh precious one, he left me to walk and beseech his paths
    واللي عذل بالحب لا لا مسمعه
    W elly 3edhal bi el 7ebb la la mesma3ah
    And the one who reproach love, it is not give him ear
    انت الأصل والغير عاديّ اخسره
    Enta el a9el w el gheirah 3ady akhsarah
    You are the real one and I don't care to lose others

    إسمع إسمع ما اعشق غيرك احد
    Esma3 esma3, ma a3eshag gherek a7ad
    Listen, listen, I do not love any one but you
    دونك فؤادي عروقه حايرة
    Dounek fou2adi 3erougah 7ayerah
    Without you, my heart's veins are confused.

    والعشق لو حلّ في قلب الأسد
    W el 3asheg lou 7ally fi galb el asad
    And if love took place in lion's heart
    أصبح ارهف من الطيور الطايرة
    A9ba7 arhaf m el 6eyour el 6ayerah
    It'll become more sensitive than flying birds (it'll become tenderer and more sensitive than soft creatures)

    قلبي جبل بالمحبة اصبح يذوب
    Galby jebal bi el ma7ebbah a9ba7 yedhoubin
    My heart was like a rock (mountain), and not it's fading because of love
    ما بك عيوب وهذا اكبر عيوبك
    Ma bek 3eyoub w hadha akbar 3eyoubak
    You don't have any imperfection, but this is the biggest
    وانا زهر لو جف عنه منبعة
    W ana zahr lou jef 3annah manba3ah
    And I'm like roses, if it's spring dried
    مات بقهر وانت السنين الماطرة
    Mat bi gahr w ant el sneen el ma6erah
    It'll die compelled, but you're the rainy years

    The rainy years died with your force. /I could not make any sense of that sentence, other than with this./
    Since she describes herslf as rose, with no source of watering (love), she'll die. But he's the rain (saver)
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  4. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Though you did well
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  5. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    Huh, no wonder I could not make any sense of the last paragraph!
    Thanks for your lovely amendment.

    Sorry, amendments
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  6. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    You're most welcome
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God