algerian song (CHEB AZZEDINE DEGOUTAG) the lyrics with translation

Thread: algerian song (CHEB AZZEDINE DEGOUTAG) the lyrics with translation

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  1. ahlawy_catalony's Avatar

    ahlawy_catalony said:

    Cool algerian song (CHEB AZZEDINE DEGOUTAG) the lyrics with translation

    hello every 1 plz i want help from tunisians morocans and algerians friends

    i want the lyrics with translate 4 this song

    i heard it in my tunisian friend
  2. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    I'm not algerian, so there's some words that i don't get

    There's also many french words

    Degoutage come from the french word "dégoûté". But "dégoutage" doesn't exist in french, it's something that only algerian people use.
    Dégoûté means "disgusted".

    Cheb Azzedine - Degoutage

    Chorus :

    Degoutage fi bledi
    Disgusted of the homeland
    Degoutage khobza saghbet
    Disgusted, it became diffucult to live
    Walet thani danger
    Plus, it's now dangerous (not sure of the meaning, but litteraly he said that)

    Fiza lou taji ya belqassem na'mal voyage
    If the visa come, then i will travel
    Fi Bariz en'ich lahih étranger
    In Paris I will live (lahih ?) a stranger

    [ Edition Omar - Walah degoutage mel bled - ???]
    (Edition by Omar - I swear i'm disgusted of the homeland - ???)


    Fiza lou taji ya belqassem na'mal voyage
    If the visa come, then i will travel
    Fi Bariz en'ich lahih étranger
    In Paris i will live (lahih ?) a stranger

    Fi la gare nekhdem
    In the station I will work
    Nerfed la ba'et le bagage
    (?) if I sell bagages
    Je travaille, la bagha
    I work, no (?)
    Lakash congés
    There's no days off
    La misère fi bladi ou zid el chômage
    Misery in my homeland and add unemployment
    Walou nabqa fiha ana ma nmoungi
    I will not stay over there, i don't eat over there (in the homeland)

    Degoutage fi bladi, degoutage
    Disgusted of the homeland, disgusted

    La misère fi bladi ou zid el chômage
    Misery in my homeland and add the unemployment
    Walou nabqa fiha ana ma nmoungi
    I will not stay over there, i don't eat over there (in the homeland)
    Wen ma sabet
    Nakhdem oua la baghet ndir el ménage
    I work but i didn't want to do domesctic cleaning work
    Win jata aghoumar ana nafounji


    Wen ma sabet
    Nakhdem oua la baghet ndir el ménage
    I work but i didn't want to do domesctic cleaning work
    Win jata aghoumar ana nafounji
    Nasouffri, nassbour, ndir akhouya el courage
    I suffer, i patient, i stay courageous
    Bel dicor narjour
    I'll come back with proud (bel dicor is "with a medal")


    Nasouffri, nassbour ndir akhouya el courage
    I suffer, i patient, i stay courageous
    Bel devise narjar laghbadi wa nhi
    With currency i'll come back to my people and i (?)
    Bel katat far ndour wast el bilal
    With the 4x4 (a car) i turn around the country
    'arfi, 'arfi mouhal ila nassanji


    walaw tji na'mal ana voyage
    If you come (the visa) i will travel

    Ila hakmat thama ndir el mariage
    (?) i will marry
    ndirha fourbi taghsali hwaiji
    I will make it (?) and i'll loose my clothes

  3. ahlawy_catalony's Avatar

    ahlawy_catalony said:


    thxxx bro

    merci frer

    7wa mafesh 7ad tunsy wala ma9riby m3ana wala eh