Mohammed Bash - 7obak damarni

Thread: Mohammed Bash - 7obak damarni

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  1. Nadia09 said:

    Default Mohammed Bash - 7obak damarni


    Can someone please translate this song? Unfortunately I don't have the arabic lyrics, but I do have to youtube link to the song.
    I would really appreciate it..
  2. Gole Yas said:


    حبك دمرني ودمر حـــآلي
    Your love destroyed me, and ruined my state
    صابر عليــك ..
    I'm waiting upon you...
    من شـوئك يا ما ســهرت ليـــالي
    Many nights I stayed up because of my longing for you
    والبى يناديـــك ..
    And my heart calls out to you..
    طـــب أعـــمل ايه بهــــواك محتــار ..
    What am I to do with your love, I'm confused
    مـــهو يـــوم في الجـــنة ويوم في النـــــار ..
    One day I'm in heaven and another in hell
    البى بيســألني بيسألني دايـــما علـــيك ..
    My eart keeps asking me about you
    ولا يــــوم يرحــمني يرحمنــي بنـــظرت عنــيك ..
    It shows me no mercy upon one look from your eyes
    دايــــب بغرامك بغــــرامك دايــــب أنــــا ..
    I am melting, melting in your love
    ئلبــــك لو باعنــــي ولوعــــني تفضــــل حبيــــب..
    If your heart sells me and torments me you will still stay as my love
    لو حتي غرامــــك ضيــــعني مني ئريــــب ..
    Even if your love makes me lose my way, you remains close
    واليــوم في بعــادك في بــــعادك بيفــــوت ســــنه..
    And today, a year passes by upon your separation
    من يــــوم ما ئبــلتك وانا تــايه ونــــهاري ليــــل..
    From the day I met you my days are like nights
    ماجـــروح بغيــابـــك بتـــالم ودئــت الــويل..
    Wounded by your absence, in pain, feeling the woes
    ارجــــع يا حبيبــــي وارحمــــني .. افــــهم بئـــي ..
    Come back my love and show me mercy.. just understand
    هفــــضل اناديــــلك واناديــــلك ائــــولك تعــال ..
    I will stay calling out for you and telling you to come back
    انـــا ئلــــبي تــعزب من غيـــرك بـــئي حـــالي حـــال ..
    My heart is tortured without you, my state is a mess
    بحـــلف لـــو مـــره تكلمني..
    I swear, if only once you would talk to me
    دا يـوم المـــني
    It will be the day I wish for/the day my dream comes true
  3. Nadia09 said:


    Thank you
  4. Gole Yas said:


    ur welcome
  5. dark1979's Avatar

    dark1979 said:


    قلبك ﻟﻮ ﺑﺎﻋﻨــــﻲ
    ﻭﻟﻮﻋــــﻨﻲ ﺗﻔﻀــــﻞ
    ﺣﺒﻴــــﺐ ..
    If your heart sells
    me and torments
    me you will still
    stay as my love