unknown song - singer

Thread: unknown song - singer

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  1. anqelica's Avatar

    anqelica said:

    Default unknown song - singer

    timeless love..
  2. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    It's actually a band. Miami Kuwaiti band they are awesome. The song is Meta Betoud from their 2001 album. I love these guys they are the best. Here is the official website..http://www.miamiband.net/en/index.html and here is my favorite song from them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPclL...eature=related hope it helps
  3. anqelica's Avatar

    anqelica said:


    i knew themm omg
    my fav song is ya omry ana of them

    this song also very nice

    i would be so happy if someone trANSlate it for me
    timeless love..
  4. anqelica's Avatar

    anqelica said:


    any translate
    timeless love..