Faisal Al Jasem - Khataf al galob

Thread: Faisal Al Jasem - Khataf al galob

Tags: faisal al jasem, feisal al jasem
  1. Keyshia said:

    Default Faisal Al Jasem - Khataf al galob

    Translate please and lyrics
  2. Gole Yas said:


    اشغلتني بحبك وكلي انا احساس...
    Ash’3altini b7ibik o kili ana i7sas
    You have occupied me with your love, and I am filled with feelings
    ماحد يسواكم ترى في حياتي...
    Ma7ad yswakom tara fi 7ayati
    There is no one in my life who has the value you do
    ياللي مكانك بين روحي والانفاس...
    Yali mkanik bain ro7i wil anfas
    Oh you. Who’s place is inbetween my soul and my breaths
    تروي ظمايه واعشقك ياغناتي...
    Tarwi ;6maya o a3shigik ya ‘3anati
    You satisfy my thirst, and I love you oh my song/melody *you*

    تذبحني اهداب دعيجه ونعاس...
    Tithba7ni ahdab d3echa o n3as
    Her full drowsy eyelashes kill me...
    تذبح مفاتنها تعجل مماتي...
    Tithba7 mafatinha, ti3ajil mamati
    Her characteristics are lethal, they speed up my death
    مجنون في حبك واجنن بك الناس...
    Majnon fi 7ubik o ajanin bik elnas
    I am crazily in love with you, and I make the people turn crazy by you too
    واشريك بعروقي وباقي حياتي...
    O ashreek b3rogi o baya 7ayati
    I buy you with my veins, and the rest of my life
    *meaning, my life and I are all a sacrifice to you*

    منهاج حبك للسما يرفع الراس...
    Minhaj 7bik lilsema yirfa3 elras
    The way of your love lifts up the head to the sky
    *meaning it makes one proud of himself*
    هذا هو المنطق وهذي سماتي...
    Hatha huwa elman6i8 o hathi simati
    This is how logic is, this is how I am
    علمهم ان الحب عشق باحساس...
    3alimhom ena el7ib 3ishg bi7sas
    Tell them that love is loving with passion and feeling
    هذي وصاتك وانا هذي وصاتي...
    Hathi wi9atik o hathi ana wi9ati
    This is your will, and this is mine