Faisal Al Jasem - Jwab

Thread: Faisal Al Jasem - Jwab

Tags: faisal al jasem
  1. Keyshia said:

    Post Faisal Al Jasem - Jwab

    Please translate this song or write down lyrics
    فيصل الجاسم - جواب

  2. Keyshia said:


  3. Gole Yas said:


    يومين لي اسأل ولا جاني جواب
    Youmain li as2al wala jani jwab
    For two days ive been asking, and still I have no answer
    مل صبري انتظر يا صاحبي
    Mal 9abri anti’6ir ya 9a7ebi
    Oh my friend, I have grown tired of waiting
    شوفني مليت من كثر العتاب
    Shofni malait min kithr el3tab
    See, I have goten bored from the amount of reproach
    شوف بعدك يالغلا وش حل بي
    Shof ba3dik yal’3ala wish 7al bi
    Oh precious one, see what has happened to me after you!

    تدري اني اعشقك عشق السحاب
    Tadri ini a3shigik 3ishg elsi7ab
    You know that I love you as much as the clouds love
    للمطر والمزن والجو السبي
    Lilme6ar wilmuzn wiljaw elsibi
    [as much as the clouds love] the rain and water and the beautiful winds
    ياللي امن الشوق فيك القلب ذاب
    Yalli min elshog feek elgalb thab
    Oh you, whom my heart has melted in because of yearning
    ومن كثر مارجيك صرت امعزبي
    O min kithir ma arjeek 9irt m3azibi
    For, from the amount of times I have begged you, I have become single now

    من يشوف الحال عايش بكتئاب
    Min yshof el7aal 3ayesh bikti2ab
    He who sees my state, will see the kind of depression I am in
    و ان خفيت الدمع يفضحني اتعبي
    O in a5fait eldam3 yif’6a7ni at3ibi
    And if I hide the tears, my tiredness will sell me out
    وان تشمت بي عقولن ماتهاب
    O in tishamat bi 3golin ma tehab
    And if the minds of people who fear nothing will talk about me/will mock me
    للعواذل قلت صلوا ع النبي
    Lil3awathil gilt 9al 3al nibi
    I say to the enemies “say ‘Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him’”****

    كيف ترظى بالذي حبك وطاب
    Kayf ter’6a bilithi 7abik o 6ab
    How can be satisfied with scratching out the person who fell in love with you?!
    في غرامك كيف ترظى تشطبي
    Fi ‘3aramik kayf ter’6a tsh6bi
    In love, how can you feel contempt upon taking someone out of your life?
    لي متى برقب انا رد الجواب
    Lai mita bar8ab ana rad eljawab
    Until when will I wait for the answer to my question
    والعيون تصيح شوفك صاحبي
    Wil3yon t9ee7 shoufik ya 9a7ibi
    And the eyes cry, longing to see you my friend

    ****(dear this is a saying where, if you envy someone, or say something like OH MY HOW BEAUTIFUL, people reply by saying “9alo 3ala elnibi” meaning, “mention the Prophets name” as if saying “may he/she be protected with the blessing of the prophet from the eyes of words of the envious or of enemis” - lol hope I make sense I dono how to explain this hahahaha
  4. Keyshia said:


    Thank u sweetie yes i got it, i see this phrase alot in comment on different fotos
  5. Gole Yas said:


    hehe, glad i could help =D