Mashael - Ba3'azelah

Thread: Mashael - Ba3'azelah

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  1. kazim786's Avatar

    kazim786 said:

    Default Mashael - Ba3'azelah

    Hi, can anyone possibly give me the Arabic lyrics, transliteration and translation for this song by Mashael, called Baghazelah.

    Last edited by VivaPalestina; 07-05-2012 at 09:26 AM.
  2. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    So, this is just an attempt to translate the (nearly) full song. Any corrections are welcome and will be appreciated a lot!

    بغازله وبمشي وراه
    Bghazelah w bamshy warah
    I flirt with him and walk after him
    وانا إللي ببدى بالغزل
    W ana elly babda bi el ghazal
    And I am the one starting the flirt
    بشوف آخرها معاه
    Bashouf akherha ma3ah
    I see another one with him
    وبشوف آخرها الثقل
    W bashouf akherha el thegel
    And I see another burden

    في كلّ مكان بقبله بغمز له بسّ واتمّ له Not sure about this line
    Fi kell mekan bagabelah baghmez lah bass w atamm lah
    Everywhere I meet him, I wink at him and just approach him (Or so?!)
    يمكنه في قلبي يحسّ لشاف بنت تغزله
    Yemkennah fi galby ye7ess li shaf bent tghazelah
    He might feel my heart, if he saw another girl flirting with him (Guess, she means 'He would know my value, if another one was to conquer me', if my translation is correct.)

    روحي وعيني حبّيته
    Ro7y w 3einy 7abeetah
    (Oh my) Soul and my eye, I loved him
    [Something] (Sorry )

    انا احبّه واعشقه
    Ana a7ebbah w a3shegah
    I love him, very passionately
    حياتي فيه متعلّقة
    7ayaty feh met3allegah
    My life is affiliated to him
    لو قال لي لون البحر
    Law gal li loun el ba7r
    If he told me, the ocean's color
    اصفر أكيد بصدّقه
    A9far akid b9addegah
    Was yellow, surely, I'd believe him

    Like I said: Corrections welcome!
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  3. kazim786's Avatar

    kazim786 said:


    Thanks a lot dude...I see your arabic is coming along well
  4. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    It's improving bit by bit.
    And, you are welcome. You know, I like Khaleeji songs as much as learning languages. :P Thanks to you.
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  5. kazim786's Avatar

    kazim786 said:


    Khaleeji is soooo awesome...I mean don't get me wrong, all Arabic songs rock, but I'm more of a Khaleeji fanatic- as you already know by now :P
  6. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    And you got me fully agreeing with that!
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  7. Gazelle's Avatar

    Gazelle said:


    Roo7i w 3einy 7abetah
    My soul and my eyes loved him

    Fdeet ommah elli jabetah
    I delegate my life to his mother who brought him (gave birth to him)

    Aghar iza agbal 3alay
    I'll be jealous if he chose (someone) over me

    Ma agdar aqawem heibetah
    I can't bare his prestige
    Fi kl makan bagabelah
    In every place I meet him

    And the rest are the same as we all know :P
  8. Rach91esp's Avatar

    Rach91esp said:


    hey Ghaly , just a little correction for ur original translation :

    بشوف آخرها معاه
    Bashouf akherha ma3ah
    it's : I see where this thing is taking us at last ( akherha : she means the end of this matter)
    وبشوف آخرهالثقل
    W bashouf akher ha el thegel
    (thegel in Arabic doesn't only mean burden , for humans it means when someone doesn't care about his lover or call him or ask about him we call it theghel)
    so it's : I'll see where this ignorance is going at the end
    the Arabic alphabet is so Friendly even has a smiley Face ..... ت

    Hello to all ...Marhaba lal Kel... Ciao a tutti !
  9. Gole Yas said:


    dear .. here "thegel" does not mean burden .. nor does it mean ignorance ..

    We say a person is "thigeel" not when he doesnt care about his love .. rather, it is when a person does not show emotion to anyone whatsoever .". for example .. when guy flirts with a girl, and she doesnt even smile back, just looks the other way, we say she is "thigeela" or acting with "thegel" .. meaning she's standing her ground not even caring, like a rock =P lol .. i hope i make sense ..

    so here in the song .. "w bashof a5er hal thegel" .. meaning .. because she likes him and all, but he doesnt even show any emotion back.. she'll start flirting and trying with him .. and she'll se where she ends up.. its lie she's betting on him that "i will flirt with you and eventually you WILL yield" =P

    do i make any sense at all :'( ???
  10. kazim786's Avatar

    kazim786 said:


    Thanks a lot guys