Solved: from a musical: "with a girl like Teresa"

Thread: Solved: from a musical: "with a girl like Teresa"

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  1. simnia said:

    Default Solved: from a musical: "with a girl like Teresa"

    Yesterday I happened to think of a song I heard from a musical that I saw either at a theater or in a film around 1971. The lyrics were something like "What do you do with a girl like Teresa?" or maybe "What do you do with a pretty girl like Teresa?" I thought it might be from "Fiddler on the Roof", which I saw in 1971, but I haven't found any such song like that yet. I don't encounter many musicals, so that highly limits where I might have heard it. Other musicals I've seen are "West Side Story", "The Sound of Music", and "Play It Again, Sam", most of which were played from around the 1969-1973 range, and all of which are well-known.

    I believe it was a lady who sang the song, though possibly a male voice sang some verses, too. The melody and chords were cheerful and bouncy, in 4/4 time, in a major key. The last melody note of each line was sustained, like on the "-a" of "Teresa" and the end of the next line, too. It was definitely dramatic/stage-like in songwriting style. I think the lyrics were referring to the exasperation of dealing with a certain young lady in their community, in a good-natured way.
    Last edited by simnia; 05-03-2012 at 05:24 PM.
  2. wurzlsepp said:


    Is it possible that 'Teresa' is Maria? Then the Song 'Maria' from the musical 'The Sound of Music' would match
  3. simnia said:


    Quote Originally Posted by wurzlsepp View Post
    Is it possible that 'Teresa' is Maria? Then the Song 'Maria' from the musical 'The Sound of Music' would match
    Wow, excellent! Great detective work. It matches exactly, and that's the song, alright, although I'm humbled and a little confused as to how I could have either misheard or misremembered that name. But I guess the two names do sound similar: they have the the same number of syllables, and two of the three vowels are the same. Again, great job!