Sekib Mujanovic - Milena

Thread: Sekib Mujanovic - Milena

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  1. PIMOS said:

    Talking Sekib Mujanovic - Milena

    trans pliz : - )
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Aco Pejović – Litar krvi

    Kome igraš, ko te ima, koga sanjaš, ko li mi te ljubi
    Svake noći, svakog dana sa pitanjima istim ja se budim
    Bez tebe k'o sena, ni pola me nema

    Sve ti dajem, sve je tvoje, sve mi uzmi tugo mladosti moje
    Litar krvi, obe ruke, samo dođi, pa me spasi od tuge

    Ne pitaj me kako živim kad se to na mome licu vidi
    Ne pitaj me zašto svoga lika u ogledalu se stidim
    Bez tebe k'o sena, ni pola me nema

    A liter of blood

    To whom you dance, who has you, whom do you dream, who kisses you
    Every night, every day, with the same questions I wake up
    Without you, like a shadow, there isn't half of me existing

    I am giving you all, all is yours, take it all from me, sadness of my youth
    A liter of blood, both arms, just come and save me from sorrow

    Don't ask me how I live when it can be seen on my face
    Don't ask me why am I ashamed of my figure in the mirror
    Without you, like a shadow, there isn't half of me existing

    Last edited by milijana; 05-07-2012 at 01:08 PM.
  3. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    LOL, this is Aco Pejovic - Litar Krvi!
  4. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:
  5. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


  6. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Good you noticed Marius, I'll make a correction
  7. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Marius what is the Romanian version about?
  8. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    Adi de la Vālcea - Lāngă cine, lānă tine
    Adi de la Vālcea - Next to whom, next to you

    N-am cuvinte să pot spune
    I have no words to say
    Tot ce simt eu pentru tine
    Everything I feel for you
    Nu greșesc
    I'm not mistaken (I'm not wrong)
    Un pas dacă ne desparte
    If a step separates us
    Pentru mine ești departe
    That means you're far away for me
    Te iubesc
    I love you
    Aș vrea,să-nțelegi
    I'd like to understand (you)
    C-am să mor
    Cause I will die
    De-al tău dor
    By missing you
    Dacă pleci
    If you go away

    Lāngă cine,lāngă tine
    Next to whom, next to you
    Nu mă satur de iubire
    I don't love you enough
    Pentru cine,pentru tine
    For whom, for you
    Plāng de fericire x2
    I cry of happiness x2

    Toate parcă merg mai bine
    Everything it seems going better
    Atunci cānd ești lāngă mine
    When you're near me
    Viața mea
    My life
    Noaptea-mi pare un minut
    The night seems a minute for me
    Te-aș săruta și mai mult
    I'd kiss you more and more
    Dragostea mea
    My love
    Aș vrea,să-nțelegi
    I'd like to understand (you)
    C-am să mor
    Cause I will die
    De-al tău dor
    By your missing
    Dacă pleci
    If you go away