I heard this song in a store today, and it has completely invaded my brain. The only problem is that I can't find it anywhere, so I was hoping someone in this forum could help me. The chorus (I think) goes something like this: "cause I still don't know where I'm standing". First thing that hit me was that the song was surprisingly upbeat considering the lyrics, which, in that brief listening, sounded kind of frustrated. Second thing I thought of was that the song sounded like something from the band Fun., but I don't think that's correct. It included male voices, and was kind of African-inspirated, sort of like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI2EcRXR7RU
I also imagine it's a relatively new song, because of the style and rhythm in it.
At last, I must say that I got a really good feeling from listening to it, it made me happy.
I immensely hope that someone of you could help me, this is turning me into a lunatic.