Mr.Black ft. Vanki - Ja ne mogu bez nje 2012 █▬█ █ ▀█▀

Thread: Mr.Black ft. Vanki - Ja ne mogu bez nje 2012 █▬█ █ ▀█▀

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  1. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:

    Wink Mr.Black ft. Vanki - Ja ne mogu bez nje 2012 █▬█ █ ▀█▀

    just now i listen this song
    Veoma lepa pesma , molimo Vas prevod
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Mr.Black ft. Vanki - Ja ne mogu bez nje

    Ja ne mogu bez nje
    Ja ne mogu bez nje
    (Da vidim ruke gore)
    Bez nje, bez nje
    (Ajmo visoko!)
    Znam da, znam da loša je
    I znam da loša je

    Imao sam te i nadao sam se
    Da nam nikad neće doći kraj
    vidim kako znojiš se
    Da priđeš, bojiš se
    Noćas sve ti opraštam
    Ovo nije naš zadnji zagrljaj
    Naši snovi još nisu srušeni
    Ništa osim tebe mi ne treba
    Da dodirnemo zvezde ljubavi

    Ja ne mogu bez nje
    Ja ne mogu bez nje
    Šta god da je loše uradila
    Znam da, znam da loša je
    I znam da loša je
    Ali je moje srce obožava

    U tvojim očima vidim moć
    I vidim život svoj
    Posle tebe pada noć
    Više nisam tvoj znaš…
    Jedna za drugom dođe, prođe
    I opet sve do zore
    Beograd opet zove
    Nisi tu, još veći bol je…
    Ja bih da priđem samo
    Kada ona prođe gradom
    Svet puca kao staklo
    Grad si a kao Bangkok
    Tako lepa kao iz mašte
    Ceo sam život hteo da je nađem
    Jer znam…
    Ja ne mogu bez nje

    I can’t without her

    I can’t without her
    I can’t without her
    (Let me see hands up!)
    Without her, without her
    (Let us high!)
    I know that, I know that she is bad
    And I know that she is bad

    I had you and I hoped
    That the end won’t ever come to us
    I see you sweating
    You are afraid to approach
    Tonight I forgive you everything
    This is not our last hug
    Our dreams are not yet crushed
    I don’t need anything except you
    That we touch stars of love

    I can’t without her
    I can’t without her
    No matter what she did wrong
    I know that, I know that she is bad
    And I know that she is bad
    But my heart adores her

    In your eyes I see power
    I see my life
    Night falls after you
    I am not myself you know…
    One after another comes, goes
    And again up until dawn
    Belgrade is calling again
    You are not here, the pain is even bigger…
    I would like to approach only
    When she walks by down the city
    The world breaks like glass
    You are city and like Bangkok
    So beautiful, like from a dream (lit. imagination)
    Whole life I wanted to find her
    Because I know…
    I cannot without her