Sasa Kovacevic Lapsus

Thread: Sasa Kovacevic Lapsus

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  1. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:

    Default Sasa Kovacevic Lapsus

    Please translate this new awesome song...

    Što ne boli – to nije život, što ne prolazi – to nije sreća
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Saša Kovačević - Lapsus

    Da patim niko ne zna, nasmejan izlazim
    Uvek po istom ključu ja drugoj prilazim
    I tako dan za danom, a bol ne prolazi
    I ti si noćas tu da nju zaboravim

    Ma sve i najbolja da si na prvi šaljem ti taksi
    Neka ti ne bude krivo, veruj mi nisam tvoj nivo
    Za mene prava si žena čula si to što si htela
    A sinoć svašta sam pio, to samo lapsus je bio

    I posle grubih reči ti bi me ljubila
    Al' jedna me pre tebe baš tako ubila
    Ma ja ću sve po starom jer bol ne prolazi
    I ti si noćas tu da nju zaboravim


    Nobody knows that I suffer, I go out with a smile
    Always by the same key* I approach to other woman
    And day by day I do like that but the pain doesn't go away
    You are as well here tonight so that I forget about her

    And even if you were the best I am sending you away with the first taxi
    Don't you feel bad, trust me I am not your level
    You are real woman for me, you heard what you wanted
    And I was drinking lots of things tonight, that was just a lapsus

    And even after the rough words you want to kiss me
    But one (woman) before you killed me exactly like that
    I will do the old way** tonight because the pain is not going away
    You are as well here tonight so that I forget about her

    *The same key – The same strategy, the same way
    **The old way – He will do the same that he was doing/acting before, he won't change