Translation from Syrian Arabic to English, please?

Thread: Translation from Syrian Arabic to English, please?

Tags: arabic, help please, syria, translations
  1. AllySun said:

    Lightbulb Translation from Syrian Arabic to English, please?

    ليش هلقد متفائل

    مانك شايف هالاوضاع شلون ما بدي اتفائل يا زلمي

    الا ما تزبط

    جد انك متفائل زيادة

    طول بالك

    كل مايتم في العالم يتم بواسطة الامل...فخليك متفائل شوي
  2. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    Why you're that much hopeful?

    Don't you see how the situations are! I don't want to hope, man!

    It should be ok

    You're hopeful more than enough, indeed

    Calm down

    All what happens in this world is by hoping... so just be little more hopeful
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.