Soft/Folk rock? song

Thread: Soft/Folk rock? song

Tags: 70s, folk, rock, soft
  1. Lashazior said:

    Default Soft/Folk rock? song

    I've been trying to figure out this song for ages now, the last time I heard it was in 2010 and I made an mp3 file of my rendition of the intro. It's a piano that plays in the intro and outro (they are the same lick). It's about 3-5 minutes of length, the era I can possibly put it in would be anywhere from the 60's to the 90's, but 70's seem to make sense to me (based on how it sounds)

    here's the audio file I have, the intro/outro to this bit might be a slightly slower tempo, but it's recognizable and I just really want to know for once what it is called.
  2. bugmenot1 said:


    What about this song?

    "The Way It Is" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range
  3. Lashazior said:


    nah, it's softer than that, something you'd mellow out to and fall asleep almost