Tarkan - Simarik

Thread: Tarkan - Simarik

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    beinglost said:

    Smile Tarkan - Simarik

    I know it was tanslated. But since it is the most searched and desired turkish translation in the world I decided to put it once again in a new thread, for those who were looking for it like me and found it quite difficult even in this great forum I composed this translation from dear Aksios' translation and original sozleri

    Şımarık- Spoilt
    Takmış koluna elin adamını
    Taking some other man by the arm

    Beni orta yerimden çatlatıyor
    She's tearing me in two
    Ağzında sakızı şişirip şişirip
    Blowing bubbles with her gum
    Arsız arsız patlatıyor
    She bursts them impudently

    Belki de bu yüzden vuruldum
    Maybe that's why I've been ensnared by her
    Sahibin olamadım ya
    Because I don't own her
    Siğar mi erkekliğe seni şımarık
    Can my masculinity accept you spoilt thing?
    Değişti mi bu dünya
    Has the world turned upside down ?

    Çekmiş kaşına gözüne sürme
    She's lined her eyes with mascara
    Dudaklar kıpkırmızı kırıtıyor
    Her lips coquettishly bright red
    Bi de karşıma geçmiş utanması yok
    Flaunting in front of me audaciously
    İnadıma inadıma sırıtıyor
    Grinning, merely to spite me
    Biz böyle mi gördük babamızdan
    We weren't raised that way
    Ele güne rezil olduk
    She's making us look like a fool
    Yeni adet gelmiş eski köye vah
    New customs have come to town
    Dostlar mahvolduk
    Boys, we're lost

    Seni gidi fındıkkıran
    You vamp you
    Yılanı deliğinden çikaran
    You lure the snake from its place
    Kaderim püsküllü belam
    My fate's crazy adventure
    If I get a hold of you (kiss kiss)
    Ocağına düştüm, yavru
    I've fallen in your furnace, baby
    Kucağına düştüm, yavru
    I've fallen in your lap, baby
    Sıcağına düştüm, yavru
    I've fallen for your warmth, baby
    El aman
    Oh my!
    Last edited by beinglost; 10-05-2012 at 01:40 PM.
    sans yok
    cepte para yok