Identify song from lyrics

Thread: Identify song from lyrics

Tags: 1980's, 1980s, 80's, 80s, identify lyrics
  1. Dan Bliss said:

    Default Identify song from lyrics

    A friend is trying to track down a mystery song. It was recorded off of Live 105 in San Fransisco sometime in the 80's. Lyric searches and track identifying software come up with nothing. Anyone else care to try?? Thanks for any help you can offer!

    Here is the track:

    Here are the lyrics from this snippet (as far as I can tell):

    Miles and miles of endless sand
    We're too young for more than holding hands
    One summer love, I'm thinking of
    One summer love, I'm thinking of
    Bodies in the night
    Making shadows lit by firelight
    One summer love, I'm thinking of
    One summer love, I'm thinking of
  2. Dan Bliss said:


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