SOLVED: Please Help Identify Ballad Duet

Thread: SOLVED: Please Help Identify Ballad Duet

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  1. cbwillallen25's Avatar

    cbwillallen25 said:

    Default SOLVED: Please Help Identify Ballad Duet

    This one probably is simple if you've heard the song. I haven't been able to catch much of the song at my job when it plays. In the refrain I hear either "Embrace your heart" or "Unbreak your heart". It's possible that it is something else, but I'm more sure the third and for syllable was your heart in the beginning of the refrain. The first two syllables are sung and after a slight pause the third and fourth proceed. Then another set of four syllables are said in a similar pattern. Possibly something like "embrace the change", "embrace the chance", "unbreak the chain". Another part I'm not sure of, except for the word "the".

    So the refrain consists of blank blank_______your heart............blank blank_________the blank (the blanks are syllables I'm not 100% sure of). It's a duet, ballad type of song. I can't really guess when the song came out. I'll just say before 2000. Male and female duet I believe. Thanks.
    Last edited by cbwillallen25; 11-20-2012 at 08:29 PM.
  2. cbwillallen25's Avatar

    cbwillallen25 said:


    Got it.

    Vanessa Williams & Brian McKnight - Love Is (1993)