September Sun

Thread: September Sun

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  1. Guest said:

    Default September Sun

    My grapes you have prepared, September Sun,
    They’re ripe and they’re flowing with juice,
    My friends I will gather for dance and for fun,
    My heart I will let you seduce.
    What nightmares, skin tears, heartache I have
    The heavenly Czar will forgive;
    Why, if not true to my greatness and flaws,
    On this beautiful Earth do I live?

    Gather, my friends, to dance at my feast
    Swirling and laughing with me!
    Tell me the truth, beauty or beast -
    Who am I? Whom do you see?
    My sins, transgressions, passions and faults
    The heavenly Czar will forgive;
    Why, if not true to my greatness and flaws,
    On this beautiful Earth do I live?

    Sing me a song, September Sun,
    Sing me of hills and of dales!
    Sing till I die of sorrow and love
    Of the sadness and sweetness of life!
    My dreams, my hopes, my tears, my fears
    The heavenly Czar will forgive;
    Why, if not true to my greatness and flaws,
    On this beautiful Earth do I live?

    With the last of your rays you will send me a kiss
    Caress me, September Sun;
    The eagles and angels will grant me my wish
    And carry me till we’re one.
    My highs and my lows, my songs and my wrongs
    The heavenly Czar will forgive;
    And so I stay true to my greatness and flaws
    In this beautiful life that I live.
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    You know,your lyrics are usually too deep for me.That being said,this I like!This is kinda the song I'd hear in an movie setting;Ben Hur,El Cid,The King and I,you get the drift.It just took me there.If simply lyrics can do that,think what this could deliver as a complete song,instruments,singers etc.This has big potential!
  3. Guest said:


    Thanks, Doug. The original sound would be sort of a gypsy/latino mix, but in the hands of a good musician, it could indeed be a very nice piece. I am glad you can appreciate it :-)

    This is my original inspiration, Bulat Okudzhava's ode to his native country, Georgia (the country, not the US state), sung here by another Georgian, Vahtang Kikabidze. "September Sun" is no translation however, but an original song (with a different metre) inspired by Okudzhava's most famous piece.
  4. Guest said:


    Probably luckily for me, I have absolutely no idea who or what Type O Negative is. Thanks :-)
  5. Guest said:


    Sometimes I think that with enough time and humans, every possible word combination will one day have been used by someone, somewhere, and it will be statistically impossible to write anything new ;p I guess they'll start inventing new words and languages instead...
  6. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    I like this. It's not often I find songs where the artist is singing to the sun. Ancient cultures worshipped it as a god.
    Jim Colyer Girl albums
  7. Guest said:


    Thanks, Jim. Feel free to use in a song if you'd like to, I have no means of turning it into music. I've enjoyed the songs I've seen you posting - while I usually can't relate much to the lyrics, they are very professionally done and sound very good.
  8. Guest said:


    How wonderful that modern cultures aren't, RickeyJoe ;p
  9. Guest said:


    I sometimes wonder how come a bunch of patriarchal nomads with a penchant for sadomasochistic violence managed to convince everyone else that they got it right. I guess it's our love for all things alpha and kratos, which they could deliver in greater quantities than anyone else...
  10. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Worship yourself,you know that's real!
  11. Guest said:


    Y'know... I don't think I want to get deeper into it. I'm not interested in teaching anyone, and I prefer to let people believe whatever they want to believe. I could throw up a long argument for the evolution of faith-based control mechanisms in human societies with examples from dozens of cultures around the world, go on to explain the possibilian stance and point out that our ability to hold strong beliefs is involved in our ability to hurt other human and non-human beings...

    ...but nothing of the above is true to 100 %, and none of it alone is enough to explain it all. I'd just have to spend several hours explaining the data and observations, quite possibly to no avail. You're a smart man anyway, and I have many other things to spend my time doing. Anton Chekov once remarked that "the wise love to learn, fools love to teach", to which Einstein replied, a century later, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."

    Man will worship, man will fight - the strong, the feeble, the meek and the wise, all of us only united in Knowing Best.

    Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine.
  12. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Was this (comment #17)is response to me?Or were you directing it at Rickey?My remark was a stand alone type thing;look in the mirror,if you like what you see,you're halfway there!(To where,who knows)
  13. Guest said:


  14. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Thanks for little things!
  15. Guest said:


    Yeah :-)
  16. Guest said:


    Never mind, I don't usually bother anyway. I prefer to let people believe, I see how important it can be to them. It was once for me, too. Having faith still is. Much of my family and the people I grew up with think I'll be going straight to hell when I die and I don't mind :-)

    Faith can be a good thing, a strength. Can be used to do bad things. Most things can...
    Last edited by Guest; 11-27-2012 at 03:05 PM.