Fairouz - Christmas songs

Thread: Fairouz - Christmas songs

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  1. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:

    Default Fairouz - Christmas songs


    This is the month of Candies, Cakes, Snows, christmas Songs, So enjoy every moment with peace & happiness.
    Merry christmas to all members.


    ضوي بليالي سعيدي يا نجمي بيتا قريــب
    Dawi biliali sa3eedi ya nijmi bayta 2areebi
    Oh star, whose house is nearby, illuminate those happy nights
    جايي من دنيي بعيدي تتلج عهالكون طيب
    Jayi min dinyi ba3eedi tetlouj 3ahalkaoun teeb
    It is coming from a distant world to snow goodness on this universe

    يا سما و تتلج أشعار و سلام
    Ya sama w tetlouj 2ash3ar w salam
    Oh heaven !, and to snow poems and peace.
    يا سما و تتلج أشعار و سلام
    Ya sama w tetlouj 2ash3ar w salam
    Oh heaven !, and to snow poems and peace.

    حكيولي حكايي غريبي و الأرض عيونا دموع
    7akyouli hkaiy ghareebi w elard 3ayouna dmou3
    They related me an odd story that the eyes of the land are in tears
    قولــي قولــي يا حبيبــي جـايـي لعنا يـسوع
    2ouly ouly ya 7abeebi jay la3enna Yasou3
    Tell me tell me my beloved (star) that jesus is coming to us
    Last edited by gbasfora; 12-10-2013 at 02:34 AM.
  2. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:



    عيد الليل زهر الليل
    3ayyad elleyl zahar elleyl
    The night feasted , the night gleamed
    صوت العيد ضوا الليل
    sawt el3aeed dawwa2 elleyl
    the sound of the feast brightened the night
    موجي يا سما بالعناقيد
    mouji ya sama2 bil3ana2eed
    Ripple oh sky with the bunch of grapes
    هلي بالحلى بالمواعيد
    helly bil7ala bilmawa3eed
    Come on time with sweets
    زار الليل يسوع
    zar elleyl Yasou3
    Jesus visited the night
    لون الليل يسوع
    Lawan elleyl Yasou3
    Jesus colored the night

    رايحا تزور كوخ مسحور
    Ray7a tzour koukh mas7our
    It is going to visit the enchanted hut
    دربها قمار تلج و زهور
    Darbha 2amar talj w zhour
    Its path is made of moonlight , snow and flowers
    و اللعب طايرة و يضحكوا ولاد
    W ella3b tayra w id7akou woulad
    Toys are floating and children are laughing
    أرضنا ناطرة و السما عياد
    Ardna natira w essama 3ayyad
    Our world is waiting and the heaven is feasting
    زار الليل يسوع
    zar elleyl Yasou3
    Jesus visited the night
    لون الليل يسوع
    lawwan elleyl Yasou3
    Jesus colored the night
  3. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:



    تلج تلج عم بتشتي الدنيي تلج
    Talj talj 3am betshati eddini talj
    Snown is falling on the world
    و النجمات حيرانين و زهور الطرقات بردانيين
    W ennajmat 7ayraneen W zouhour etter2at berdanyeen
    The stars are perplexed and the flowers along the roads are shivering

    تلج تلج عم بتشتي الدنيي تلج
    Talj talj 3am betshati eddini talj
    Snown is falling on the world
    و الغيمات تعبانين عالتلة خيمات مضويين
    W elghaymat ta3baneen 3attele khaymat moudouyeen
    The clouds are weary and on the hills tents are illuminated

    و مغارة سهرانه فيها طفل صغير
    W imghayra sahrane fiha tifl izgheer
    There is a baby in the awake cave
    بعيونو الحلياني حب كتير كتير
    ba3younou el7alyani houbb ikteer ikteer
    And his sweet eyes are full of love

    تلج تلج عم بتشتي الدنيي تلج
    Talj talj 3am betshati eddini talj
    Snown is falling on the world
    كل قلب كل مرج زهر فيه الحب متل التلج
    Kill 2alb w kill marj zahar fih el7oubb mitl ettalj
    every heart,every meadow,has flowered with love like snow

    و جاي رعيان من بعيد
    W jay ra3yan min ba3eed
    The shepherds are coming from abroad
    وين الطفل الموعود؟
    Wayn ettifl elmou3oud ?
    Where is the promised baby ?

    هون يا رعيان من بعيد
    Hawn ya ra3yan min ba3eed
    Here, Oh shepherds from abroad
    هون الليل المنشود
    Hawn ellayl elmanshoud
    Today is the night we wished for

    تلج تلج شتي خير و حب و تلج
    Talj talj shatti khayr w 7oubb w talj
    The snow has brought prosperity and love
    على كل قلب و على كل مرج
    3ala kill 2alb w 3ala kill marj
    To every heart and every meadow
    ألفة و خير و حب متل التلج
    Ilfe w khayr w 7oubb mitl talj
    Friendship,prosperity and love are falling like the snow
  4. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:



    ليلة عيد ليلة عيد الليلة ليلة عيد
    laylet 3aeed laylet 3aeed ellayle laylet 3aeed
    It's christmas eve , it's christmas eve
    زينة و ناس صوت جراس عم بترن بعيد
    Zene w nas sawt ejras 3am betren be3eed
    Ornaments and people and the sound of the bells ringing far away
    ليلة عيد ليلة عيد الليلة ليلة عيد
    laylet 3aeed laylet 3aeed ellayle laylet 3aeed
    It's christmas eve , it's christmas eve
    صوت ولاد تياب جداد و بكرا الحب جديد
    Sawt oulad teab ijdad w boukra el7oubb ejded
    Children's sounds ,colored clothes and tomorrow a new love

    عم يتلاقوا الاصحاب، الهدية خلف الباب
    3am etlaou elas7ab lihidiy khalf elbab
    Friends will find out gifts behind the door
    في سجرة بالدار و يدوروا ولاد صغار
    Fi sajra beddar w idouro oulad izghar
    There is a christmas tree at home and kids running around it
    و السجرة صارت عيد و العيد اسوارة بأيد
    W essajra saret 3aeed w el3aeed isouara beayd
    And the tree became a holiday and the holiday a wrist bracelet
    و الأيد تعلق عالسجرة غنيي و عناقيد
    w elayd ta3ala 3assajra ghinnyi w 3anaeed
    The hand is hanging songs and panicles on the tree

    يا مغارة كلا بيوت تلمع متل الياقوت
    Ya mghara killa byout telma3 mitl elyaout
    nativity scenes in every home shine like a sapphire
    كيف جبتي عالدار تلج شرايط و قمار
    Keef jebty 3addar telj shraeet w amar
    How Did you brought to the house snow, ribbons and moons ?
    مين اللي جاي بعيد عم بيرش مواعيد
    Men elli jay ba3eed w 3am beresh maou3eed
    The one who's coming at Holyday, giving dates to everyone
    يدق بواب الناس و يمشي و الخير علينا يزيد
    ide2 bouab ennas w imshy w elkhayr 3alayna izeed
    He knocks on people's doors and goes walking and everything becomes better
    Last edited by gbasfora; 12-10-2013 at 02:44 AM.
  5. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Merry christmas

    one more year
  6. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Christmas is the season for party and fun
    Let us start with prayers and praise
    Let the happiness and joy fills our house
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  7. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    As always not even a single "Thank you". Who knows next year perhaps..................

    happy new year
  8. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:


    Happy new year's eve gbasfora
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"
  9. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    (Eu gosto de Fairouz, também.)

    Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo, gbasfora.
    Esperança para a paz.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  10. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post
    As always not even a single "Thank you". Who knows next year perhaps..................

    happy new year
    Thank you my dear for all the translations of Fairuz, Farid etc you did a great job as always, keep up the good work i'm sure many people enjoy it just they are probably not registred