Figment of Me

Thread: Figment of Me

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  1. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:

    Default Figment of Me

    I am a bee swimming in the sea
    Looking for something
    Something to believe
    I stare to the world
    And gaze at what I see
    But everything
    Seems to blend
    Right into me
    Everything is the same
    And I am here left to blame
    I want to be a figment of me
    In a world that's always spinning
    In a world I can't believe
    And one day I'll find my way

    Sometimes I run
    Sometimes I crawl
    Sometimes I do nothing at all
    But in the end I am the same
    I am the same
    Just like the bee swimming in the sea
    I am the same
    In this moment I feel all that I am
    Falling straight down
    And I can't seem to find
    My wings for flight
    And I drown in the sea
    A figment of me
    A figment of me
    I want to be a figment of me
    In a world that's always spinning
    In a world I can't believe
    And one day I'll find my way
    One day Ill find my way
    And I will be
    A figment of me
    Last edited by Johnb31; 03-18-2013 at 11:28 AM.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  2. Thatsmeonthetrain's Avatar

    Thatsmeonthetrain said:


    This one has me stumped. I'm usually good at decoding your meaning behind your songs. But explain this one. I'm thinking it's not actually about a bee lol
  3. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    A figment is something that someone believes to be real but it only exists in their imagination.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  4. Thatsmeonthetrain's Avatar

    Thatsmeonthetrain said:


    I know what a figment is. lol