This Place Is My Home

Thread: This Place Is My Home

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  1. kmatt1987 said:

    Default This Place Is My Home

    Possibly one of the strongest pieces I've ever written. Opinions? Possible improvements?

    We used to walk around this city
    Like we was superman
    I thought we were bulletproof and
    We never had a plan
    You said "How did we get home safe"?
    When we were in no fit state
    To walk those five miles back
    In the pourning rain

    But they were good times
    And we had the time of our lives

    Oh I want more than this
    But I dont know where I belong
    This is the only place I've known
    Now these streets they aint so long
    I ask what to do with my life
    But life's already going on and on and on
    This place is my home

    I walk so far ahead
    Look behind and I see the
    The places that have changed
    And the little things that stayed the same
    The corner shop with the broken sign
    The broken glass that reflects the streetlights
    The cold air as it hits November
    I dont know if its something I'll remember

    I want more than this
    But I dont know where I belong
    This is the only place I've known
    Now these streets they aint so long
    I ask what to do with my life
    But life's already going on and on and on
    This place is my home

    Never forget the roots that we came from
    Cos the petals are shaped by the way we grew up
    So never forget
    This place is my home
  2. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    WOW amazing you should be really proud of it loved the first verse reminds me of times with close friends just reading it makes me smile
  3. kmatt1987 said:


    thanks!! i'm not really sure what the song is about! i'm one of these people that will write a song, and then 5 months later i'm like "oh, thats what that song is about! thats what i was thinking when i wrote that!" i think the song has a 'never forgot' attitude to it. like, never forget the good times you've had in your life, dont give a damn whats happened at times because the good times you've had always rise above everything else. and also i think it says to never forget your home, where you came from. i live in a different town to where i was born so maybe i was thinking that when i wrote it. i wrote the choruses a long time ago, and in fact theyre from a totally different song that i wrote about a year, the verses were only written a few days ago. the newer version of the song is definitely better though
  4. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    hahah you write like me then lol just go with it then make up a meaning later :P. it seems like you where writing as if saying the place where you are isnt the best in the world but its yours full of your memories, happy times etc and you wouldnt change it for anything however you are leaving for new things but yer its epic and i loved it
  5. kmatt1987 said:


    yeah something like that i guess! just realised i made a mistake in the first verse; its meant to be 'To walk those five miles back HOME'!! also 'trueperfectionisimperect', just noticed youre from england!! i actually thought i was the only english person on here!!
  6. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    haha wow someone else from england lol nice to no im not the only one anymore :d where abouts you from ??
  7. kmatt1987 said:


    i'm in hertfordshire, about half an hour from north london...
  8. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    I could smell the City streets in this.I could feel the rain sprinkle down.Very real.Captures the mood perfectly.This is what I call Songwriting!
  9. Wilson said:


    Nice,niceeee,niceeeeeeee!! Hehe,good lyrics.Thumbs up.!! And lol,im the only black writer in Africa in the Allthelyrics.hehe