Samo Zaen - Hat3raf

Thread: Samo Zaen - Hat3raf

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  1. Audrina86 said:

    Red face Samo Zaen - Hat3raf


    Ha3raf emty ana ba3den, w ttnadem 3leya sneen, 7aseebak temshy bs 5alas, 7beby wn ro7na mosh raga3een...

    7ant2abel ma3 el ayam, w wareny waselty le feeen, 3shan mazlom fa 7ansa awam, fora2 b fora2 a7an le meen, la2etak 7ad ay kalam,w 7a2y 7aya5do nas tanyeen...

    Hat3ref emty bokra t2ol, ya raitny fdelt leeh 3latool, ma2asartsh fi 7aga ma3ah, w lw 3'ltan wagehny w 2ol...
  2. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    Ha3raf emty ana ba3den, w ttnadem 3leya sneen, 7aseebak temshy bs 5alas, 7beby wn ro7na mosh raga3een...
    you'll estimate me later,and you'll regret me for years,I will leave to go,that's it,we are not getting back together

    7ant2abel ma3 el ayam, w wareny waselty le feeen, 3shan mazlom fa 7ansa awam, fora2 b fora2 a7an le meen, la2etak 7ad ay kalam,w 7a2y 7aya5do nas tanyeen...
    we'll meet by the time,and show where you got to,cause I'm tyrannized so I'll forget quickly,separation to separation,to whom do I long,I found you're not a good person,and my right will be taken by someone else (other people will revenge)

    Hat3ref emty bokra t2ol, ya raitny fdelt leeh 3latool, ma2asartsh fi 7aga ma3ah, w lw 3'ltan wagehny w 2ol...
    you'll estimate me ,tomorrow you'll say "I wish" ,I wasn't injust to you,and if i'm wrong then face me
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me