Ninet Tayeb - To Cry For You

Thread: Ninet Tayeb - To Cry For You

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  1. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:

    Default Ninet Tayeb - To Cry For You

    Can someone please translate this song to English for me? I understand the "subject" very well and would love to know what the song says
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  2. 1inamillion1 said:


    אני הולך לבכות לך
    Ani holech livkot lecha
    I'm going to cry for you
    תהיה חזק למעלה
    Tihye chazak lemaala
    Be strong, up there
    געגוע כמו דלתות
    Ga'agu'a kmo dlatot
    My longing is just like doors
    שנפתחות בלילה
    Sheniftechot balyla
    That open up at night (she means that longing (for something/someone) and doors both "open up" at night)

    לנצח אחי אזכור אותך תמיד
    Lanetzach achi ezkor otcha tamid
    Forever, my brother, I'll remember you always
    וניפגש בסוף, אתה יודע
    Venipagesh basof, ata yodea
    And we'll meet in the end, you know
    ויש לי חברים אבל גם הם כבים
    Veyesh li chaverim aval gam hem kavim
    And I have friends, but even they become extinguished
    אל מול אורך המשגע
    El mul orcha hameshagea
    When they are in front of your maddening light (she's not saying that his light is maddening, but that his light DRIVES people mad)

    כשעצובים הולכים לים
    Kshe'atzuvim holchim layam
    When sadness goes to the sea
    לכן הים מלוח
    Lachen hayam malu'ach
    So the sea is salty
    וזה עצוב שלהחזיר ציוד אפשר
    Veze atzuv shelehachzir tziyud efshar
    And it's sad that it's possible to return equipment (probably weapons)
    לא געגוע
    Lo ga'agu'a
    But not longing.

    לנצח אחי...
    Lanetzach achi...
    Forever, my brother...

    וכמו הגלים אנחנו מתנפצים
    Uchmo hagalim anachnu mitnaptzim
    And like the waves, we crash
    אל המזח אל החיים
    El hamezach el hachayim
    Towards the pier/quay, towards life
    Last edited by 1inamillion1; 05-16-2013 at 12:43 AM.
  3. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    Thank you x3, for the transliteration, translation and the explanations
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  4. 1inamillion1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Teshka View Post
    Thank you x3, for the transliteration, translation and the explanations
    My pleasure x3 Teshka! Any time :-)))