lol…this is a very funny comic song for a wedding….i do not know
How you have heard it…but you gave me such a laugh tying to translate this one… :-D
Where are from ?? please tell me how you have heard of this one song…I am dying of curiousity….hehehehe …cheers here is the wedding song….

Emshab che shabist, shabe moradast emshab===what a night is tonight, night of becoming one.

In khane por az sham o cheragh ast emshab===this house is bursting with brightness tonight.

Bada bada mobarak bada, ishala mobarak bada===happy, happy, it is happy...may God make them happy.

Koche tange,bale,aroos ghashange,bale=== the ally is narrow, oh yes, bride is pretty, oh yes

Das be zolfash nazanid,morvarid bande,bale=== do not touch her hairs, they are shining as pearls.

Bada bada mobarak bada, ishala mobarak baba=== happy, happy, it is happy…may God make them happy.

In hayat o oon hayat mirizin noghl o nabat === pour sweet and candy in this garden, in that garden.

Be sare aroos o domad mirizin noghl o nabat === pour sweet and candy in bride and groom’s path.

Bada bada mobarak bada, ishala mobarak baba=== happy, happy, it is happy…may God make them happy.

Koche tange,bale,aroos ghashange,bale=== the ally is narrow ,oh yes, bride is pretty , oh yes.

Das be zolfash nazanid,morvarid bande,bale=== do not touch her hairs, they are shining like pearls.

Bada bada mobarak bada, ishala mobarak baba=== happy,happy, it is happy…may God make them happy.

Aroosi shahane.ishala mobarakesh bad.=== this celebration is as good as a royal wedding, may them be happy

Jashne bozorgane ishala mobarakesh bad.=== this celebration is bond of two of the nicest persons ,may them be happy

Gol ba golestane,ishala mobarakesh bad=== (this celebration) is return of a flower to its Eden garden, may they be happy.

Nobate mastane,ishala mobarakesh bad=== (this celebration) is the time when they are finally jointed together happily, may they be happy.

Bada bada mobarak bada, ishala mobarak bada=== happy, happy, it is happy…may God make them happy.

Mobarak o mobarak,ishala mobarakesh bad.=== happy and happy…may God make them happy.