chillout, dance and female vocal songs to identify

Thread: chillout, dance and female vocal songs to identify

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  1. liannalondon said:

    Default chillout, dance and female vocal songs to identify

    forget the dance one, just heard it!!!

    next two are chillout heard on chill radio who have not updated their playlist since September!!
    1. female vocal 'you make it so difficult for me to breathe' 'my love is all about simplicity not duplicity' 'i will be true as long as I love you' 'there are finite times when you give me butterflies'

    2. female vocal 'to the hands of gravity' 'between the sand' 'fear of loneliness no longer lies in me' then a man speaks 'there is often little time to worry about where it's all going or what it's all about'

    last one is female vocal 'one more stop until you hit the stone' 'counting the seconds until you hit every one' 'with a little concentration you wish yourself to the other side of the earth'
    Last edited by liannalondon; 11-14-2013 at 11:27 AM.