looking for a song...its maybe by ali el deek ??!!

Thread: looking for a song...its maybe by ali el deek ??!!

Tags: ali el deek, arabic song, lyrics, sad
  1. adgjl123456 said:

    Default looking for a song...its maybe by ali el deek ??!!

    i'm looking for a song for more than two years...i only remember the melody and the singer was singing in a part something like ..."ahwan ahwan ahwan ahwan" and at the beginning the singer was singing a part what can be translated as..."when you look at me you are cold" or "now you are so cold" (in the meaning of there is no love anymore) ....but i dont know it exactly !! the singer is maybe ali el deek but i really dont know it...its a really sad song!! pls can anyone help me ??
  2. Nochaaa said:


    I'm sorry didn't find anything, maybe you can give us more details of the song? was it Egyptian, Lebanese,...?
  3. chloe117's Avatar

    chloe117 said:


    What dialect?