What dialects are these songs? Egyptian or Lebanese?

Thread: What dialects are these songs? Egyptian or Lebanese?

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  1. just-in-time said:

    Question What dialects are these songs? Egyptian or Lebanese?

    I don't know Arabic very well and just want to know which dialects these songs are.


    As3ad Wa7da - Elissa
    Law Aoullak - Elissa
    Te3ebt Mennak - Elissa

    Dabou 3aynayk - Maya Diab
    Sawa - Ramy Ayach feat. Maya Diab

    Mosh Adra Istanna - Haifa Wehbe
    Sama'ani - Haifa Wehbe

    Mosh Ananeya - Myriam Fares

    Ya Ghali - Nancy Ajram
  2. 1inamillion1 said:


    Hi just-in-time. Here it is :

    As3ad wa7da = Egyptian
    Law a2oullak = Egyptian
    Te3ebt mennak = Egyptian

    Dabou 3aynayk = Lebanese
    Sawa = Lebanese

    Mosh 2adra Astana = Egyptian
    Sam3ane = Lebanese

    Mosh ananeya = Egyptian

    Ya Ghali = Lebanese

    By the way, all of these singers sing in both Lebanese and Egyptian very often. Elissa only sings in these dialects. I'm not sure if Maya has songs in any other dialects. Haifa and Nancy have a few (very few) songs in Khaleeji (Gulf dialect) but they don't sound very natural in them (no offense :-p) so they don't do it very often. Myriam has a LOT of songs in Khaleeji - and has become very good at that dialect - and also some in Iraqi and Moroccan.

    I'm sure you must be a bit confused now :-p if you have any other songs or any other questions just let us know! :-)
  3. just-in-time said:


    Thank you so much 1inamillion1, that so awesome.

    You didn't confuse me at all and thank you for all that info. I'm really interested in all of the different dialects and I'm quite a fan of Myriam and her Khaliji songs. Min Oyouni is my favourite album of hers actually.

    Thanks again!
  4. 1inamillion1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by just-in-time View Post
    Thank you so much 1inamillion1, that so awesome.

    You didn't confuse me at all and thank you for all that info. I'm really interested in all of the different dialects and I'm quite a fan of Myriam and her Khaliji songs. Min Oyouni is my favourite album of hers actually.

    Thanks again!
    No problem :-)

    I agree, Myriam is really good and so is that album. She does khaleeji so well!

    Lebanese and Egyptian are really very different but they might be hard to distinguish for new people, especially since most Lebanese singers sing in Egyptian too. Najwa Karam sings exclusively in Lebanese, and a lot of the Egyptian singers sing only Egyptian. If you are sure the song is either Lebanese or Egyptian (not khaleeji or anything else), then just remember that if you hear a "g" sound it's probably Egyptian; if you hear "j", it's probably Lebanese. There are lots of other ways to tell the differences but that's one of the easier ones :-)

    Happy to help wherever possible!
  5. just-in-time said:


    Sorry one last question.
    What dialect is the Elissa song Ayami Beek?

    I read somewhere that she said she loves the Egyptian dialect a lot. Does she sing it more than Lebanese or equal?
  6. 1inamillion1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by just-in-time View Post
    Sorry one last question.
    What dialect is the Elissa song Ayami Beek?

    I read somewhere that she said she loves the Egyptian dialect a lot. Does she sing it more than Lebanese or equal?
    Ask as many as you like :-)

    Ayami beek is Egyptian.

    Earlier in her career I think she sang mostly Lebanese, and then her albums seemed to be like 50/50 but more of her huge hits seemed to be in Egyptian (3ayshalak, tesadda2 bimeen, kol youm fi 3omri, bastannak, law t3arfou etc) although she did still have Lebanese hits (betmoun, 3a bale 7abibe, salemle 3aleh etc etc) . The last album had 4 Lebanese songs but the rest were Egyptian.

    Generally people sing in Egyptian because it's by far the most spoken dialect and also the most widely understood. Lebanese is probably almost as understood across the Middle East now as Egyptian actually so it's not like people would care if she sang in Lebanese always but I guess she wants to keep a large presence in the Egyptian market. I think it's kind of a way of showing that she dedicates her attention to the Egyptian market. I can really only think of Najwa Karam of all Lebanese singers who hasn't sung anything except Lebanese - she says that she herself is Lebanese so Lebanese is what she sings and that's the end of the story. She did say once I think though that if Angham sings Lebanese or Mohammad Abdo or someone sings Lebanese she'd sing Egyptian or khaleeji :-p
  7. 1inamillion1 said:


    By the way, here's a song that starts in Lebanese and then she goes on to say a line or two in most of the dialects. It's not a great way to learn about the dialects but it's something
