Lyrics & Translation for Mohammed Assaf - Bedna Nel'ab Bedna Nish محمد عساف - بدنا نل

Thread: Lyrics & Translation for Mohammed Assaf - Bedna Nel'ab Bedna Nish محمد عساف - بدنا نل

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  1. helenna123 said:

    Default Lyrics & Translation for Mohammed Assaf - Bedna Nel'ab Bedna Nish محمد عساف - بدنا نل


    Could someone by any chance kindly write me the lyrics and English translation/meaning to this song please?

    It will be much appreciated.

    Here is the link -

    Much Love,
  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    يا باااي يااااا باي
    How pretty
    فلسطيني أنا وبلادي عشقها
    I am Palestinian and I adore my country
    أحلى البلاد في قلبي عشقها
    The most beautiful country with her adoration in my heart
    وغزتنا اليوم يبا وغزتنا اليوم بتوزع عشقها
    And today (our) Gazza is distributing its love
    تحيي الضيف وتوفي لعشقها
    Saluting the guest and fulfilling its adoration
    ياباااي يابابا باي ليلييييييي يابااااااااااااااي

    بدنا نلعب بدنا نعيش X3
    We want to play, we want to live
    بدنا العالم كله يشوف
    We want all the world to see
    حقي في غزة بسلام اعيش
    It's my right to live in Gazza peacefully
    من غير حصار او خوف
    Without siege or fear
    أرفع علمك فوك يا بلادي من دمي وعروقي الحروف
    To raise your flag highly my country
    With the words being from blood and viens
    بدنا نلعب بدنا نعيش
    We want to play, we want to live

    على دلعونا وعلى دلعونا واحنا بنحب اللي بحبونا
    ...... We love those who love us
    يا هلا وحيا الله باللي اجونا والله بطلتكم كحل العيونا
    Welocome, and God bless who is visiting us
    It became greater, with your looking out (visit) I promise

    يا زريف (ظريف) الطول وكاس العالم جاي
    Oh you pretty looking, here World Cup is coming
    في غزتنا الخير ع إيديهم جاي
    In our Gazza the goodness is coming along with them
    خمس طاشر (خمسة عشر) ضيف رحبوا معاي
    15 guests greet with me people
    من العالم كله هلو ع ديارنا
    From around the world they are visiting our homeland
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God