Bulgarian pop folk (preslava)

Thread: Bulgarian pop folk (preslava)

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  1. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus View Post
    do you have the lyrics to that? send them over and ill do it.. im also looking into the other request you made earlier
    sorry i dont have the lyrics
  2. Daniel_Lima said:


    Hello everybody...
    I'm a fan of ska, even better, punk-ska...
    And i found out that ska mixed with bulgarian music would sound nice (There's a brazilian band that tries to use some bulgarish influence...)
    So... I searched all over the internet, and sadly found out just two bulgarian ska bands...
    They are: Obraten Efekt and Yikeda (or Uikeda, there are difference betwen some sites....)
    The thing is: i can't find any lyrics of them... translated or not....
    Can anyone help me?

    <EDIT> PS: ANY lyric from both bands would make me really happy... </EDIT>
    Last edited by Daniel_Lima; 05-05-2007 at 01:55 AM.
  3. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    if you can read cyrrilics, try textove.com.. better yet if you have specific songs, let me know and ill help.. it might take me a while, im leaving to the canary islands today for a week.. if i dont make the net from there.. well ill be back in a week
  4. Daniel_Lima said:


    Seems to be a lovely site....
    But, no, i can't read crylics.... and, how weird are they!?!
    Any song would be fine, i really just want to know what they talk about...
    thanks again!
    PS:Hope u have a nice vacation (or something...)... ^^

    <EDIT> Found Obraten Efekt link!!! Обратен ефект - Рок - Textove.com - Текстове и акорди на български песни!
    in Bulgarian its written Обратен ефект XD !!!
    Seems like they don't have Уикеда lyrics!!! </EDIT>
    Last edited by Daniel_Lima; 05-09-2007 at 02:07 PM. Reason: Found the bands links!!!
  5. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:


    Всяка сутрин ставам с първи петли,
    Vsiaka sutrin stavam s parvi petli
    Every morning I wake up with the roosters*
    някъде към десет, десет и нещо.
    niakade kam 10 , 10 i neshto
    about 10 o`clock and a bit later
    И още не отворил гуреливи очи,
    I oshte ne otvoril gorenlivi ochi
    I havent even opened my rheumy eyes
    звънвам на Боби и излизам от къщи.
    zvanvam na bobi i izlizam ot kashti
    I call/phone Bobi & go out
    Сядаме в "Jazz"-a и с трепет в сърцата,
    Siadame v Jazza i s trepet v sarcata
    We go to Jazz(a cafe) and with anxiety(in the hearts)
    поръчвам кафенце и проклинам съдбата:
    potachvam kafence i proklinam sadbata
    I order some coffee and I curse/damn the fate
    Какво му направихме на Господ със Боби,
    Kakvo mu napravihme na Gospod sas Bobi
    Boby and I,what have we done/caused to God
    та на изток от рая, нас ни зарови.
    ta na iztok ot raia nas ni zarovi
    so he decided to bury us easternly of the paradise
    А някой бачкат от няколко часа,
    A niakoi bachkat ot niakolko chasa
    And..some people have already grubbed/worked for hours
    направиха пари, какво от това?
    napraviha pari kakvo ot tova
    they made some money,and so what?
    И богатите понякога плачат,
    I bogatite poniakoga plachat
    even rich people cry sometimes
    а слънце ще огрее един ден и кучия гъз. /Дааа гъз!/
    a slance shte ogree edin den i kuchia gaz
    the sun will shine one day the dogs *** /yeah asss/**
    Обед минава, минават колите.
    Obed minava minavat kolite
    Midday is passing,the cars too
    По масата, пълзят бавно 2-3 мухи.
    Po masata palziat bavno 2-3 muhi
    A couple of flies are going round the table
    Писна ми тука! Поглежда ме Боби,
    Pisna mi tuka, poglejda me bobi
    Im enough of this place,I look at Boby
    дай да палим гумите и към Хаваи,
    dai da palim gumite i kam Havai
    lets start the car and go to Hawwaai
    знаеш ли брат хората на Запад колко взимат само за час,
    znaesh li brat horata na zapad kolko vzimat samo za chas***
    oh boy,do you know how much they earn in the west just for an hour
    толкова че тука с тия парички, кафенце ще жулим 4-5 дни.
    tolkova che tuk s tia parichki kafence shte julim 4-5 pati
    so much that with these money we can drink 4-5 coffees
    А нека работят здраво маймуните,
    A neka rabotiat zdravo maimunite
    Let the monkeys work hard
    не се става така лесно човек,
    ne se stava taka lesno chovek
    its not that easy to become a human(being)
    а ние с Боби работим над себе си,
    a nie s Boby rabotim nad sebe si
    boby and I we work over ourselves
    работим над себе си и пием, пием КАФЕ.
    rabotim nad sebesi i piem piem kafe
    we work over ourselves(they just think about themselves and talk)
    and drink cofffee
    А ние с Боби двамата пием кафе.
    A nie s Boby dvamata piem kafe
    Boby and I we drink our coffees
    Настава вечер и месец изгрява,
    Nastana vecher i mesec izgriava
    The night came, the moon rised
    звезди обсипват свода небесен.
    zvezdi obsipvat svoda nebesen
    the stars cover the sky
    Гледаме с Боби захласнати горе,
    Gledame s Bobi zahlasnati gore
    We are watching with Bobby
    така е прекрасно и почти без пари.
    taka e prekrasno i pochti bez pari
    Its so wonderful and almost for free(gratis)
    Балканът си пее хайдушката песен,
    Balkanat si pee haidushkata pesen****
    The Balkan is singing its haidouk song
    барманката тропа с чаши зад нас.
    barmankata tropa s chashi zad nas
    the waiter is clattering some cups behind us
    Колко му трябва на човека бе Боби?..
    Kolko mu triabva na choveka be bobi
    What so needs the man?
    небето, звездите и чашка кафе!
    nebeto zvezdite i chashka kafe
    the sky the stars and a mug of coffee
    А ето ти другите връщат се от работа,
    A eto drugite vrashtat se ot rabota
    Here are the others coming back from work
    за филма бързат с бира в ръка,
    za filma barzat s bira v raka
    they are hurring to see the film,with beer in the hand
    денят им завършва с първа програма,
    deniat im zavarshva s parva programa
    their day ends with first channel
    а животът е миг във вечноста.
    a jivotat e mig vav vechnostta
    and the life is an instant in the eternity

    Texts like this one are difficult to translate you know sometimes there are games with words,some specific events(happened in Bulgaria) are mentioned
    I`ll try to explain some of them to you,if theres something else you dont understand feel free to ask

    *- you know that roosters sing early in the morning(when the suns rising,about 5-6 oclock)
    the funny here is that he says that he wakes up with the rooster about 10 oclock
    **- in Bulgaria people use a phrase "kadeto slance ne ogriava"=where the sun`s never shinig(the ***)
    ***you know that Bulgaria is brand new in the Europ. union thats why people here are poor,and thats why more than a million bulgarians are abroad working in some western country,or somewhere where the wages are better
    ****Balkan(Stara planina) was the mountain that gave the name of the Balkan peninsula.Bulgarian warriors(haiduti) were something like Robin Hood,they stayed hidden in the mountain and sometimes they helped the people,they also fought against the turkish army

    Blablabla again so many explanations maybe theyre redundants
    I`ll go now bye
  6. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:


    I`ve forgotten to write the name:
    Uikeda - Boby
  7. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:

    Default Obraten efekt - Molia Vi Madam

    Седя на бара и си пия лимонада,
    Sedia na bara i si pia limonada
    I`m sitting in the bar drinking some lemonade
    а срещу мене гледа някаква жена.
    a sreshtu mene gleda niakakca jena
    and a(some) woman is loooking at me
    Не беше много стара, нито много млада,
    ne beshe mn stara nito mn mlada
    she wasnt very old,but she wasnt very young too
    но върху мене погледа си спря.
    no varhu mene pogleda si spria
    but she saw me,and her eyes were on me

    Защо ме гледа тая толкова усърдно,
    Zashto me gleda taia tolkova usardno
    why is this woman looking(stare) at me
    не вижда ли, че аз съм малък скромен тип?
    ne vijda li che az sam malak
    cant she see that I`m a little modest man
    А тя дойде при мен и взе, че ме прегърна
    A tia doide pri mene i vze che me pregarna
    She came near me, and gave me a hug
    и сложи си ръка на моя цип.
    i sloji raka na moia cip
    and she put her hand on my zipper

    Стига моля ви мадам, мене много мъ и срам!
    Stiga molia vi madam men mn ma i sram
    Please,stop,Mrs , I`m so ashamed
    Моля, много мъ и срам мене, моля ви мадам!
    Molia mn ma i sram mene molia vi madam
    Please,I`m so shy,please Mrs

    А може, може, може, може много да ме искаш,
    A moje moje moje mn da me iskash
    You can can can want me(a lot)
    но няма, няма, няма, няма да ти дам.
    no niama niama niama da ti dam
    but I wont wont wont give you
    Дори, дори и в ъгъла да ме притискаш,
    Dori dori i v agala da me pritiskash
    even even if you drive me into the corner
    не мога, аз съм малък, много мъ и срам.
    ne mo0ga az sam malak mn ma i sram
    I cant I`m too little/young I`m shy

    А тя ме хваща и ме влачи към портала,
    A tia me hvashta i me vlachi kam portala
    but she catch me and she is dragging me to the door
    усещам тялото си като мъченик.
    useshtam tialoto si kato machenik
    I feel so powerless/weak
    Защо така ми щипе бузките брутално,
    shto taka mi sahtipe buzikte brutalno
    why is she pinching my cheeks so brutally
    не вижда ли, че аз съм ученик.
    ne vijda li che az sasm uchenik
    cant she see that I`m a student

    Защо така, бе лельо, пускай ме веднага,
    shto taka be lelio puskai me vednaga
    why do you act like this,leave me now
    за тебе други няма ли във този бар?
    za tebe dr niama li v tozi bar
    arent there any other man for ya in this bar
    Пък и на вашите години не приляга,
    Pak i na vashte godini ne priliaga
    plus this it doesnt fit your ages
    нали не ви приличам на снобар.
    nali ne vi prilicham na snob
    I dont look like a snob,do I?
    Last edited by maxsimn; 05-10-2007 at 02:08 AM.
  8. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    i congratulate my two coutries Turkey and Bulgaria. we r on the final.... hayde 6te vidim koy 6te byde nomer edno
  9. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:


    All Balkan countries are at the final!

    ...and as you know "I da padnem i da biem pak che se napiem"
  10. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:

    Thumbs down Spam..

  11. zaleza's Avatar

    zaleza said:


    ustata says "В пълна ерекция, левитирам" i don't know,what is meaning levitiram? my parents don't know too.
    my friend asked her mother.her mother know but doesn't tell.
    we thought, it's a uneducated word i need to this sentence's translation.
  12. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    Quote Originally Posted by zaleza View Post
    ustata says "В пълна ерекция, левитирам" i don't know,what is meaning levitiram? my parents don't know too.
    my friend asked her mother.her mother know but doesn't tell.
    we thought, it's a uneducated word i need to this sentence's translation.
    В пълна ерекция, левитирам
    подозирам, че ще те шокирам.

    i cant say in english but i can say it in turkish im not sure but it must be " sikimin dimdik olduğundan şьpheleniyorum. seni şoka uğratcam"
  13. zaleza's Avatar

    zaleza said:


    i'm in shock....
    oha bu kadarını da beklemezdim.bi de gittik anneye sorduk olcak iş değil.
    But thx turhan.we looked for this sentences for a long time.
  14. countriesincolors said:

    Thumbs up

    Hi I just want to thank the members who contributed to this thread I learnt a lot about the meaning of all those songs I've been listening to for a while now. I copied the translation of the lyrics of Gergana's "Karma" and put them on my site with a link back here (it's on www.bluebulgaria.com). I hope that's ok with you.


  15. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:


    So about the Bulgarian song from Eurovision.I like it cause it has real ancient Bulgarian motifs,not oriental.There are even used some words that we do not use nowadays.So the text is about a girl standing near the river,then from the forest comes a young man riding a horse,as he sees the girl he falls in love with her.The idea is that the Water(the name of the song) is source of life,and love too.
  16. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    here is the song of bulgaria: вода=water.......

    Море, малка моме, ий...
    Lo, a young lass, eeh...

    Море, море, пее, ий...
    Lo, lo, she sings, eeh...
    Море, Митра пее на реката
    Lo, Mitra sings by the river
    Митре ле, ий... Митре ле
    Oh Mitra, eeh.. oh Mitra
    Море, на реката, до гората
    Lo, by the river, beyond the forest
    Митре ле, ий... Митре ле
    Oh Mitra, eeh... oh Mitra

    Море, йоздол иде, лудо младо
    Lo, coming from the village, a reckless lad
    Митре ле, ий... Митре ле
    Oh Mitra, eeh... oh Mitra
    Море, лудо младо, конче води
    Lo, a reckless lad, leading a pony
    Митре ле, ий... Митре ле
    Oh Mitra, eeh... oh Mitra

    Море, море, пее
    Lo, lo, she sings
    Море, море, ий...
    Lo, lo, eeh...
    Митре ле
    Oh Mitra
    Ено хо... хо... хо...
    Eno ho... ho... ho...
    А... а... а...
    Ah... ah... ah...

    Море, лудо младо, конче язди
    Lo, a reckless lad, riding his pony
    Митре ле, ий... Митре ле
    Oh Mitra, eeh... oh Mitra
    Море, конче язди, мома люби
    Lo, riding his pony, loving his lass
    Митре ле, ий... Митре ле
    Oh Mitra, eeh... oh Mitra

    Tara-doo-da dai-doo-dara dara-doo-da, oh Mitra

    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да... (Хей...)
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da... (Hey...)
    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да...
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da...
    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да... (Хей, хей...)
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da... (Hey, hey...)
    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да...
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da...

    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да... (Хей...)
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da... (Hey...)
    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да... (Хей, хей...)
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da... (Hey, hey...)
    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да... (Хей...)
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da... (Hey...)
    Тара-ду-дай ду-дара дара-ду-да...
    Tara-doo-dai doo-dara dara-doo-da...
  17. cristely said:


    Levitation (from Latin levo, to raise) is the process by which an object is suspended against gravity, in a stable position, by a force without physical contact.
  18. cristely said:
  19. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Thank you both. I think that the songs of the balkan countries were the best. My favourites were Molitva y Boda. That's why we gave you 12 points (to Bulgaria). By the way, where do you live exactly? I live in Serres which is very close to Bulgaria. In fact, our prefecture is next to Bulagaria!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  20. maxsimn's Avatar

    maxsimn said:


    Lol Turhan and I, we are both from Kardjali(when he is in Bulgaria of course cause now he is in Turkey).If they open Makaza the distance from Kardjali to Komotini would be less then 100km )) .Serres is near Petrich and Blagoevgrad right?

    About the music Voda is a traditional Bulgarian song,most of the people think that the oriental motifs are bulgarian,but they are different,you know in the Greek song this year there were oriental motifs.Hope that you sense the difference.For exemple this "Iiii..." [i:],the long "I" that Elica sings is very typical for the Bulgarian music.