Bulgarian pop folk (preslava)

Thread: Bulgarian pop folk (preslava)

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  1. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by panselinos View Post
    Translating the lyrics of Upsurt is just like translating the lyrics of Imiz - causa perduta. lol

    Btw, Maria mou, Bulgaria is not just close to Thrace. Actually, a big part of Thrace is in Bulgaria - my city is in Thrace for instance. Even the university is called Thracian University (like Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας in Thessaloniki), the highway is called Thrace...
    Northern Thrace is in Bulgaria, Western Thrace is in Greece, and Eastern Thrace is in Turkey. And if you check out the toponims in Thrace, you'll find out that most of the places have all three Bulgarian, Turkish and Greek names.

    We're neighbours thousands of years now, and it is high time we learn how to live together and get over all these historical prejudices and stereotypes. I mean, really, like normal human beings. History is history, it should be respected and never forgotten, but we live in the 21st century, for heaven's sake. (Wow! sometimes I amaze myself. Refraid from using "gmt". I'm proud of me. lol)

    I've already started - got married to a Greek. lol

    P.S. And bought "İstanbul: Hatıralar ve Şehir" by Orhan Pamuk from Thessaloniki, cause all of his books have been translated and published in Bulgarian, except for this one. Not that I mind reading it in Greek. And it was a best-seller in Greece (and all over the world too).
    Yup, sometimes we can be pretty normal, intelligent people.
    Panseline mou, of course I know that a part of Thrace belongs now in Bulgaria and in Turkey. It's like Macedonia. But I was refering to the Greek Thrace, the Greek part. So that's why I said ''next'' to (greek) Thrace. Anyway, thanks for the correction.

    I don't have any problem with you or Turks or any other people. I never was a racist and I won't become now. And please believe me I like my country how it is right night. Small, but wonderful. I don't want neither the parts of Turkey nor the parts of Bulgaria. And if someday the other people understand that past is past and we must to look the future, then we'll live all together with peace and hapiness.

    S'agapo para ma para poli...

    Filouthkia (na to po sta Kipriaka)!!!
    Last edited by maria_gr; 06-04-2007 at 03:49 AM.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  2. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by turhanbg View Post
    especially i sloged on to understand these sentences: Da mu platq li za da spre, Eto plashta mu neka spre.. and im sure i have wrongs on them..
    all the songs writings took nearly one hour.. but finially i tackled im proud of me
    got ur message hehe, im on it.. you should be proud of you, that is excellent work you done.. im proud of you too
    Last edited by Angelus; 06-04-2007 at 06:22 AM.
  3. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:

    Default Teodora - smeshna cena

    SMESHNA CENA / Ridiculous price

    Broq parite a ne kupuvam / im counting money, but im not buying
    Broq si dnite i te ne struvat / im counting my days and they are not worth anything
    Bez teb igraq v cherno bqlo / without you i act in black and white
    Dostignah kraq i se prodadoh / i reached the end and sold myself

    A na kakva smeshna cena / and for what ridiculous price*
    Prodadoh teb i liubovta / i sold you and love
    Kakvo syrce bie v men / what kind of a heart beats inside me
    Da mu platq li za da spre / shall i pay it to stop

    A na kakva smeshna cena / and for what ridiculous price
    Prodadoh teb i liubovta / i sold you and love
    Sega ne placha, nali sym silna / now im not crying, im strong arent I
    Sega mi plashtat da se usmihvam / now they are paying me to smile

    A na kakva smeshna cena / and for what ridiculous price
    Prodadoh teb i liubovta / i sold you and love
    Kakvo syrce bie v men / what kind of a heart beats inside me
    Eto plashtam mu neka spre / here, im paying it, let it stop

    Zaspivam trudno i te synuvam / i fall asleep with difficulty and i dream of you
    Kakvo mi struva da se prestruvam / what does it cost me to pretend
    Za teb sym myrtva, ti vse ne idvash / im dead to you, you never come
    Kakvo da tyrsish v edna pustinq / what would you be looking for in a desert

    A na kakva smeshna cena / and for what ridiculous price*
    Prodadoh teb i liubovta / i sold you and love
    Kakvo syrce bie v men / what kind of a heart beats inside me
    Da mu platq li za da spre / shall i pay it to stop

    A na kakva smeshna cena / and for what ridiculous price
    Prodadoh teb i liubovta / i sold you and love
    Sega ne placha, nali sym silna / now im not crying, im strong arent I
    Sega mi plashtat da se usmihvam / now they are paying me to smile

    A na kakva smeshna cena / and for what ridiculous price
    Prodadoh teb i liubovta / i sold you and love
    Kakvo syrce bie v men / what kind of a heart beats inside me
    Eto plashtam mu neka spre / here, im paying it, let it stop

    *actually the word smeshna means funny (feminine) but the expression smeshna cena actually is more in the lines of ridiculous price in terms of how low it is
  4. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:

    Default ''Punta'' from Upsurt feat. Ball face

    Could you please translate this song for me?

    Thank you so much!!!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  5. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    i can indeed...im on it
  6. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus View Post
    got ur message hehe, im on it.. you should be proud of you, that is excellent work you done.. im proud of you too
    ahh you made me shy thank you so much Angelus........
  7. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Οh really, Angelus? Thank you so much!

    You'll make my day, cause it was really awful!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  8. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    hi again im looking for a song. but i dont know who songs it or its name the woman says "ti si moqt angel...." its an old song. it has turkish version."mustafa sandal-hatırla beni" but i think its origin is greek.anna vissi songs it.but i dont know its name... pls find the lyrics of this song...
  9. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:

    Default Upsurt feat. Ball face - Punta

    Нов палим па' ке радим, лилави глави май садим, / i light a new one, what to do, seems we are planting purple heads
    Земи,чади ,к'во си искам си праим! / take it lil' one, i do what i want
    На цицка зърненцето джвакам не жалим, / the nipple of a tittie i nibble on, i have no mercy
    Мразиш да чакаш. / you hate to wait
    Идвам жено,вкъщи ме каниш / im coming woman, you invite me over to yours,
    бързо се палиш / you set yourself on fire quickly
    време не хаби!Ти бельото, / dont waste time, you - the underwear
    аз пък шапка щи свалим, нема те бавим! / and me - my hat i will take off, i wont keep you waiting
    Само по веднъж да се глезиш,да го галиш. / only once will you spoil urself to stroke him
    За да може бързо да забравиш, / so that you can forget quickly
    като пендел за награди,мани! / like a wanna-be wantin prizes, get out of here*
    Барам чужди мадами,бело щавим, / i touch other people's women, i do whites
    ходим ококоре окез по забави, / im always at paries
    тази иска изненади, / this one (female) wants surprises
    но аз не съм мамин-татин Ганьо с девствени мустачки / but im not mommy's-daddy's Ganio with va virgin moustache**
    кфо ми демонстрира задни части с прашки, / what is she demonstrating her behind in a thong for
    пачки,прахчета и храсти... / wads of money, powders and bushes
    Ъха,ъха леко не кашляй, ш'са задавиш с някоя рима, / uh,uh, easy,dont cough, you will choke on a rhyme
    качи ми се на жаргона! / get on top of my jargon
    Студени бирички за мойте фенове,пием за трима.../ cold beers for my fans, we drink enough for three

    Не ме пипай, ти си пунта,/ dont touch me, you are a scoundrel
    Не искам нищо,даже здрасти от твоите ръце. / i dont want anything,even hello, from your hands
    Не се надувай,ти си сдухан, / dont get big headed, you are a moron
    Не гушкам тоя,дето носи чуждо лице! / i dont hug he who wears someone else's face
    Не се натискай, не те искам, / dont push it, i dont want you
    Ти не можеш да докоснеш мойто сърце, / you cant touch my heart
    правиш ми се на много умен, / you pretend to be very clever
    време е да гушкам само мойто момче. / it's time i hug only my own boy

    Кои са тия,които рапират за карантия / who are these ones, that rap for guts***
    Питам аз ония,които се намазаха на нашата филия. / i ask myself about the ones that spread themselves on our piece of bread
    Продължавам за тия да пия Тиа Мария / i go on drinking tia maria for them
    Ананас и водка и леблебия,нали бе! / pineapple and vodka and chick-peas, isnt it 're' *****
    Вие ли нацапахте чаршафа бял? / were you the ones that dirtied the white bed sheet
    Ние ли с канабис почерпихме тоя цар? / did we give this tzar (king) cannabis
    Чекам време да мине да видя тоя кяр. / im waiting for time to pass to see that benefit
    Бате Венци, соске претенции към моя стайл / Bate Venci******, you trying to steal off my style
    божемще падладея! / my god, ill go mad
    Тапа драпа да захапе чадела / a short one (literally a bottle cork) is tryin so hard to bite the sausage
    На трубадура тя не се отказа тази карикатура да лапа хляб. / of the troubadour, she did not give up, this caricature, to munch on bread
    50 лева диря на моста да намеря моята дева. / 50 levs*, im looking on the bridge to find my virgin
    Пием,пеем,пушим,храсталаци сушим, / we drink, sing, smoke, dry bushes
    мадами гушим и душим, / chicks we hug and hump
    май и себе си ше изпушим,боже! / maybe we even smoke ourselves, god
    Давай надолу по Рожен, / go down on rozhen**
    плетох рими, вдигах вежда, / i rhymed away, i raised my eyebrow
    май е време вече да си ходя във Надежда.../ maybe its time to go home to nadezhda***


    Добър вечер, Ганьо. / good evening ganio
    Царя на овчарите прави кавали на талибаните при халите. / the tsar of the shephers is making shepherd's pipes at the talibans next to the market hall
    Определени хора кълчат кълки за тънки кинти, / certain people are shaking asses for thin bucks
    Корабът потъва,снимай ги! / the ship is sinking, take a picture of them
    Кой е Десперадо? Кой е Трейнспотинг? / who is Desperado? Who is Trainspotting?
    Пусни телевизора!Кой е тоя гей с потник? / put the tv on. who is that gay in a sleeveless top?
    Народа ходи да чуе мелодия, / the people are going to hear a melody
    какво те води на тая хомо пародия? / whats bringing you to this homo-parody
    Отбий вдясно, тея са опасно нещо! / pull over to the right, these are a dangerous thing
    Хиля се,но не е смешно,много ясно. / im giggling but its not funny, evidently
    Момичето ми вика ще ида на Босфора, / my girl is telling me im going to the Bosphorus
    викам: Не е истина какво стана на постата! / i say 'it cant be true what happened on the post'****
    Късно е, кажи ми кое е това шосе? / its late, tell me , which road is this
    Не ме лжи,че си 12-80! / dont lie that you are a 12-80*****
    Цел живот съм бил на щайга,батка, / i have been on a crate****** all my life, my man
    Закупи си райбер,лека нощ,алцхаймер! / buy yourself a reamer, good night Alzheimers

    *'get out of here' in this context does not mean leave, but is used in the ironic sense, i.e. something that is very ridiculous..hope that makes sense
    ** ganio is a male name, used in villages in the old days lol, represents something of geek, someone dumb, with no class
    *** guts here as in insides, like livers, intestines, kidneys....
    **** just in case, tia maria is coffee liquor ... one that i quite like actually haha
    ***** 're' as in the greek 're'.. equivalent in bulgarian and turkish is 'be'
    ****** venci is a male name, bate is a word that indicates an older male
    * lev is the bulgarian currency
    ** rozhen is the name of a boulevard
    *** nadezhda is the name of a compound in sofia
    **** not the post office, post as in watch post
    ***** 12 80 is a cab number and its common in bg to pretend a cabbie is from a well known company, such as 12 80 and then rip the customers off
    ****** crate refers to a old, broken down car

    Sorry for the delay, the damn thing is written in proper slang lol.... and how do they come up with the lyrics is beyond me o.O , think im gonna ask, i actually know one of these guys... anyway.. oh and if you want the bulgarian part in english phonetics as opposed to cyrillics, let me know
  10. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by turhanbg View Post
    ahh you made me shy thank you so much Angelus........
    i wasnt complimenting you :P i just said the truth.. im looking into your other song request, ill let you know how that goe

    here is an update, i just heard the turkish version on youtube, its an old bulgarian song, if i could just remember who sings it... ill get it no worries... btw amr diab sings that with angela dimitriou..called eleos.. i like that version best but then i am biased when it comes to arabic hehe

    another update.. found it lol..kameliq -ti si.. doin translation now
    Last edited by Angelus; 06-05-2007 at 03:47 PM.
  11. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    Οh really, Angelus? Thank you so much!

    You'll make my day, cause it was really awful!
    aww sorry to hear that.. hope its better now, its my pleasure entirely to help
  12. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Yes, you made my day. I have no words. Thank you so much.

    It's really hugeeeeeee! Oh, god, I must be a moster to ask you to translate this!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  13. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:

    Default Камелия - Ти си...

    Ти си / You are

    Защо очите ти са толкова красиви? / why are your eyes so beautiful
    Защо ли казваш думи винаги лъжливи? / why you say words that are always deceitful
    Защо ли моето сърце така наказа? / why did you punish my heart so
    Защо обичам те и истинските мразя? / why do i love you and truly hate you

    Припев: / chorus
    Ти си моя ангел, / you are my angel
    ти си моя бог, / you are my god
    ти си моя демон силен и жесток. / you are my demon, strong and cruel
    Ти владееш зная моята душа, / you govern, i know, my soul
    ти си болка, / you are pain
    ти си любовта. / you are the love

    Защо във нощите без тебе аз не мога? / why cant i be without you in the nights
    Защо от тебе пазя се като от огън? / why do i protect myself from you as i would from fire
    Защо студено е без тебе аз не зная / why is it cold without you i do not know
    Защо ли мраяз те, защо ли те желая/ why do i hate you, why do i want you

    Припев: / chorus
    Ти си моя ангел, / you are my angel
    ти си моя бог, / you are my god
    ти си моя демон силен и жесток. / you are my demon, strong and cruel
    Ти владееш зная моята душа, / you govern, i know, my soul
    ти си болка, / you are pain
    ти си любовта. / you are the love
  14. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    Yes, you made my day. I have no words. Thank you so much.

    It's really hugeeeeeee! Oh, god, I must be a moster to ask you to translate this!
    im glad i made a difference really.. and no, no trouble at all.. feel free to ask again i do enjoy it
  15. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    vayy be......really you are the number one.. i love u Angelus
  16. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus View Post
    im glad i made a difference really.. and no, no trouble at all.. feel free to ask again i do enjoy it
    There is a greek song which says ''Ο άγγελός μου, ο άνθρωπός μου, εσύ'' (=My angel, my person, you). I think that this song is written for you, mi angelito.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  17. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    hey Anegelus i have q question. why does she say two question adverbial защо&ли"Защо ли моето сърце така наказа?"..and u translated it as past tense?? why??
  18. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by turhanbg View Post
    vayy be......really you are the number one.. i love u Angelus
    awwww... sooo my pleasure i like making you guys happy haha.. now then for your question... zashto means why, zashto li is more in the lines of i wonder why though not exactly.. it implies she wonders but doesnt say the word wonder... makes sense? as for the past tense translation, nakaza is past tense.. the present tense of the verb is

    nakazvam - i punish
    nakazvash - you punish
    nakazva - he/she punishes
    nakazvat - they punish
  19. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    There is a greek song which says ''Ο άγγελός μου, ο άνθρωπός μου, εσύ'' (=My angel, my person, you). I think that this song is written for you, mi angelito.
    awww.. thank you so much.. now my face is so red, you could fry an egg on me :$
  20. turhanbg's Avatar

    turhanbg said:


    aham i see thanx. but how can i understand the past tense its very complicated....
    Last edited by turhanbg; 06-05-2007 at 04:55 PM.