Heavy Love

Verse 1
I can't take this heavy love no more
If I do, it will destroy every part of me
When I am happy, I am sad
When I am good, I am bad
I feel like I am sinking into a dark hole
I won't be able to get out once I am in

Verse 2
The hugs, the kisses, the 'I love you's'
Are way to much for me
I have tried to explain myself to you
You just think I'm silly

Verse 3
The things that you do are too sweet that they'r sour
You are definitely not the person I thought you were

Chorus 1
This heavy love is crushing me
I was full of good intentions
Now that's no longer the case
This heavy love is a burden
It was full of joy
Now that's no longer the case

Chorus 2
This heavy love is crushing me
I was full of good intentions
Now I am slowly breaking apart
This heavy love is a burden
It was full of joy
Now it is rotten to the core

Written by B. (Saturday, March 27, 2004)
Copyright 2004