Carole Samaha - El Shark El Azim

Thread: Carole Samaha - El Shark El Azim

Tags: carole samaha
  1. karimbcn said:

    Default Carole Samaha - El Shark El Azim

    Please! I need the english translation of the INTRO and the song! I need understand the song and the video

  2. MiCanuck said:


    I would like to have a translation too, Carole. I am working on it! (Although the visual content is a big hint as to its meaning, and the
    Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD) mandate is clear. I still wish I knew the words.) Peace.
  3. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:

    Default Carole Samaha - El Shark El Azim - The Great East.

    كى لاننسى الاف الاطفال والنساء والرجال الذین وقعو فى السنوات الاخیره ضحایا لفضائع لایمكن تصورها
    In order not to forget the thousands of children, women, and men who fell (murdered, killed) in the last years as victims to unimaginable atrocities.
    وتاكیدا على ان الشرق العربى مهد للحضارة ومنبع لاینضب بالانسانیه
    And to confirm that The Middle East is the cradle of civilization and inexhaustible source (spring) of humanity.
    رغم مایحدث سیبقى الشرق قلب للبشریة ورابطا اساسیا یوحد ثقافات الانسانیه ویحمى نسیجها من اى تمزق كان
    Despite what is happening, The East will remain, the heart of humanity and an essential bond that unite the cultures of humanity and protects its texture of any rupture that would be!

    وجوهم مش عم بتروح من بالى
    Their Faces that never disappear from my mind!
    عنیهم اللى صارت مطفیة
    Their eyes that became extinguished
    اصواتهم اللى عم تندة للعدالة
    Their voices that calling for justice
    ایدیهن الممدودة للحریة
    Their hands that reach out for freedom
    یارب اللى ساكن فوق العالى
    O’ God who is living high above!
    اطلع صوبهم تحت وشوف شوى
    Look down at them and see for a while!

    ماعندهم حدا غیر حكم القدر
    They have no one except the judgment of fate (destiny)
    دعوات وصلاة تبعد ها الخطر
    Supplications and prayers to keep this danger away!
    یارب السما رد الاسى عنهن
    O’ God of heavens keep away this grief from them
    دارى وعین یا ها الشرق الحزین
    Protect and help, Oh this sad East!
    خیر بلادك لمین
    The best of your countries to whom! (The wealths and the sources of your countries go to who!)
    لا تصیر الحقد الظلم المنفى فى عیون المنسیین
    So Hatred of injustice exile won’t be seen in the eyes of the forgotten
    یا ها الشرق العظیم باسم العز القدیم
    O’ The Great East, in the name of your old almighty
    لتنسى العدل الحكمة الرحمة الخیر العلم الدین
    Don’t forget justice, wisdom, compassion (mercy), goodness, science and religion

    اة اة اة
    Ah Ah Ah

    بهجر صوتى ولو یخطر ببالى
    I would abandon my voice if it comes to my mind
    بیتى وارضى تنساهن عنیا
    For my eyes to forget my home and my land! (My home and my land to be forgotten by my eyes)
    احنا الشرق بغفوات اللیالى
    We are the East during the trance of nights
    اول نسمة بعطر الانسانیة
    The first inhabitants to the fragrance of humanity (The first aura of the humanity’s fragrance)
    توقع خیل وما عم تركع خیالى
    Horses would fall but my shadows will never kneel!
    ولا ترضى تزل نفوس الابیة
    And will not accept to humiliate the hearts (souls) of the proud!
    وبرغم الوجع وریاح الظلم
    And despite of the pain and the injustice winds
    من قلبى الاسى بیزهر حلم
    From the heart of the grief (the grief’s heart) a dream blooms
    لابد الجرح یفتح الصبح
    It is a must for the wound to shine a dawn
    لو رضى بالعتمة سنین
    Even if it was satisfied with darkness for years!

    یا ها الشرق الحزین
    O’ The sad East
    خیر بلادك لمین
    Your best countries to whom!
    لا تصیر الحقد الظلم المنفى فى عیون المنسیین
    So Hatred of injustice exile won’t be seen in the eyes of the forgotten

    یا ها الشرق العظیم باسم العز القدیم
    O’ The Great East, in the name of your old almighty
    لتنسى العدل الحكمة الرحمة الخیر العلم الدین
    Don’t forget justice, wisdom, compassion (mercy), goodness, science and religion

    اة اة اة
    Ah Ah Ah
    Last edited by Ahmed; 06-05-2015 at 03:09 AM.
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.