Who did the old school version of Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s version?

Thread: Who did the old school version of Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s version?

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  1. Most Wanted Jamz said:

    Smile Solved: Who did the old school version of Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s?

    I know it's not around the Christmas holiday season, but I got this Silver Bells song stuck in my head.
    Who did the old school version of Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s version?
    Here's what Kenny G.'s version of Silver Bells sounds like:

    There is an older version of Silver Bells that sounds like this version, but it sounds like a clarinet being played instead of a saxophone.
    Kenny G.'s version uses a saxophone. Kenny G.'s version was done in 1994. Although the old school version of Silver Bells was done from 1989 and before (Don't know the exact year).
    Does anybody know who did the old school version of Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s version?
    I just found out that it was Jim Horn, that did the old school version of Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s version.
    There were also two other artists that did Silver Bells that was like Kenny G.'s version, and they were Aaron Bing. The other one was the Starlite Orchestra.
    Last edited by Most Wanted Jamz; 11-07-2016 at 09:18 AM. Reason: Solved