Looking for another song...

Thread: Looking for another song...

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  1. CanadianChick said:

    Smile Looking for another song...

    This song was done in the mid 90's I believe, I'm not sure what the lyrics are, or the type of music it is, I just remember the video, well they had 2 videos for one song, i'm not sure of the first one but second one I saw was a band on a hill, with trees, and they have baby animals in it, like monkeys, cats, puppies, um, can't remember anymore but it was a really catchy tune..I havent heard it in yrs and I'd like to hear it again...Thanks for the help....
  2. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    Probably isn't it; I'll reply none the less. "No Rain" by Blind Melon. The video is much older than the mid 90s, perhaps in a meadow with a knoll, not sure about the animals, it is a really catchy tune.
  3. CanadianChick said:


    No sorry that isnt the song...But thank u for replying anyways...
  4. pratdalvi1@hotmail.com said:


    Island In The Sun - Weezer Perhaps?

    It's sucha wicked song One video had them with baby animals, other was a wedding or something i 4get. But yeah its my chill song -hope this helps-