Etkalemt 3alya by Marwa Nasr,DONE!

Thread: Etkalemt 3alya by Marwa Nasr,DONE!

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  1. aspwow said:

    Red face Etkalemt 3alya by Marwa Nasr

    Salam Anyone,Thanks for anyone
    Etkalemt 3alya -- إتكلمت عليا

    Etkalemt 3alya -- إتكلمت عليا
    Last edited by aspwow; 05-16-2015 at 02:30 AM.
  2. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:


    إتكلمت عليا
    You spoke about me!
    ياللي كنت مأمناك في يوم عليا
    You who I trusted to take care of me one day!
    مخدوعة كنت ومصدقاك للدرجة ديا
    I was deceived and I believed you till this point
    معقولة كنت مطمنة
    Is it possible that I was feeling safe…
    وانا بين ايديك
    While I was between your hands?!

    قولت ده كله عليا
    You said all those bad things about me!
    نسيت خلاص
    You forgot already…
    كل اللي كنت بتحبه فيا
    Everything you used to love about me?!
    ظهرت عيوبي فجأة ليه
    Why all my imperfections appeared suddenly…
    في الفترة دي
    During this period?!
    مش قادرة اصدق لسه
    I still cannot believe
    انا ومصدومة فيك
    I am still shocked and disappointed in you!

    ايه اللي كان جابرك تعيش مع واحدة زيي
    What forced you to live with someone like me?!
    وليه مشيلتش حاجة حلوة عملتها
    And why you didn’t hold (remember) anything good I have done before?!
    لو قولتلك بس الكلام ده ازاي وصلني
    If I just told you how those words reached me?!

    تزعل عشان
    You should feel sad (ashamed)…
    ده قبل ما يهني اهانك
    Because before those words insulted me, they insulted you first

    اللي مأثر فيا
    What really affected me?! (What really made me sad and disappointed?)
    اني اتعاملت معاك بطيبة وحسن نية
    That I have been treating you with kindness and good intention
    بموت في بعدك وانت بتكمل عليا
    I am dying while you are away and you just make it harder (you increase my sorrow)
    مش اولى لو عندك كلام
    Isn’t that more logic if you have things to say…
    تواجهني بيه
    You would face me with it (You would say it directly to me instead of talking from behind my back)
    انت ازاي مش حاسس
    How you cannot feel…(How you cannot sense and understand…)
    اللي عملته ميعملوش غيرحد ناقص
    That what you have done only could be done by deficient person
    شايفاك بعيني بجد واحد تاني خالص
    I see you by my eyes a completely different person
    مش انت اللي كنت زمان
    You are not the one that I used to… (You are not the one who used to protect and take care of me anymore)
    انا باتحمى فيه
    To be protected by him!

    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.