Lyrics of some cartoon songs

Thread: Lyrics of some cartoon songs

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  1. Au79 said:

    Default Lyrics of some cartoon songs

    Hello there!

    I can't find the Arabic lyrics of these songs anywhere: - I know it's not a song but I'd love to know what it says

    I'd be glad if you help me and write down the Arabic lyrics and, if possible, the English translations of these songs I'd be happy even if it's just one of them.

    P.S. - Maybe I should have posted this in the 'Lyrics Request' section, please excuse me if that's the case
  2. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:

    Default Anastasia - In The Dark Of The Night Arabic

    I have to admit that I had a lot of fun seeing those posts. And translating some of them!

    The first one:

    In the comment section on youtube video link, there is a comment by LastRambo341 and he translated it beautifully. I would never do such a work and in case you couldn't find it on youtube her it is, I just copied and pasted it!

    الأن ستحقق كل أهدافي الشريرة
    Al'an satatahhaqaqu kolo ahdafi el shireera
    Now all of my dark goals will be fulfilled

    أخيراً ستباد أسرة رومانوف كلها
    Finally the entire Romanov family will be exterminated
    Akheeran satubad usrat Romanov koluha


    في ظلام الأحقاد روحي تتنور
    In the darkness of hatred, my spirit illuminates
    Fee 'dhalaam alahhqad roohhi tatanowar

    في ظلام الفناء وحدي أنتوي
    In the darkness of the yard, I alone intended
    Fee 'dhalaam elfann'a wahhdi antawee

    عذاب لايحتمل
    Unbearable torment
    'Aathab La yohtamal

    لم يبقى حتى الأمل
    Not even hope remains
    Lam yabqaa hhatta el amal

    كل هذا الدمار يحدث لي
    All of this destruction happens to me
    Kol hatha aldamar yahhduth lee

    كنت أقوى الرجال لكن منعوني
    I was the strongest of men but they stopped me
    Kont aqwa alrejaal laken mana'ooni

    حلت على رأوسهم لعنتي
    My curse has befell on their heads
    Hhalat 'aala ra'ooseehem la'anatti

    لم يذهب ألمي سدا
    My pain did not go through
    Lam yath'hab alami suda

    لم ينجو منهم أحدا
    None of them survived
    Lam yanju minhom ahhada

    أنيا ستختفي غدا
    Anya will vanish tomorrow
    Anya satakhtafi 'ghadaaa


    في ظلمة الليل خوف وتحدى
    In the dark of the night; fear and challenge
    Fee 'dhulmat elail khowf wa tahhadi

    في عظمة الليل ضد الصراع
    In the greatness of the night; against conflict
    Fee 'aathhmat elail 'dhid al sseraaa


    أنتقام جميل فأفرحي بالهلاك
    Beautiful revenge so be gladdened with doom
    Enteqaam jameel fa'efrahhii belhalaak


    في ظلمة الليل
    In the dark of the night
    Fee 'dhulmat elail


    سأقتل أنيا
    I will kill Anya
    sa'aqtol Anya


    أهلا أهلا بالأرانب
    Hello hello rabbits
    Ahlan Ahlan bel araneb


    بيدو أن قواي عادت لي صدري
    It seems that my strength has brought me my chest back
    Yabdu an qeway 'aadat lee ssadri

    حان وقت أنتقام منك أنيا
    It is now time to fulfill venegance on you, Anya
    hhan waqt enteqaam minki Anya

    أستعدي للشقاء.... للموت وللهلاك
    Be prepare for misery...for death and destruction
    Esta'adi lil shiqaa...lil mowt wa lil halaak

    وتقبلي العزاء بالهناء
    And accept solace with bliss
    Wa taqabli al 'aazaa b hanaa


    في ظلمة الليل خوف ورهبة
    In the dark of the night; fear and terror
    Fee 'dhulmat elail khowf wa rahba


    للرهبة أستعدوا
    Be prepared for the terror
    Lil rahbati-esta'ido


    في عظمة الليل شر وخوف
    In the greatness of the night; evil and fear
    Fee 'aathhmat elail sharun wa khowf


    خوف أصيل فزعاٌ وعويل
    Authentic, shuddering and howling fear
    Khowfun asseel faza'un wa 'aweel


    في ظلمة الليل
    In the dark of the night
    Fee 'dhulmat elail


    You will die


    في ظلمة الليل خوف ورهبة
    In the dark of the night; fear and terror
    Fee 'dhulmat elail khowf wa rahba

    One bug



    في عظمة الليل شر وخوف
    In the greatness of the night; evil and fear
    Fee 'aathhmat elail sharun wa khowf


    خوف أصيل فزعاٌ وعويل
    Authentic, shuddering and howling fear
    Khowfun asseel faza'un wa 'aweel


    في ظلمة الليل
    In the dark of the night
    Fee 'dhulmat elail

    في عظمة الليل
    In the greatness of the night
    Fee 'aathhmat elail


    هيا أنطلقوا يا أعواني وأبحثوا عنها الآن
    Come on, go my minions and search for her now
    Haya en'talequ ya 'aawaani wa ebhhathu 'aanha al'aan


    في ظلمة الليل .في عظمة الليل
    In the dark of the night. In the greatness of the night
    Fee 'dhulmat elail. Fee 'aathhmat elail


    آن لأنيا أن تلقاني
    So that Anya meets me
    Anna leAnya an talqaani


    في ظلمة الليل .في عظمة الليل. في ظلمة الليل
    In the dark of the night. In the greatness of the night. In the dark of the night.
    Fee 'dhulmat elail. Fee 'aathhmat elail. Fee 'dhulmat elail


    آن الأوان
    It is time
    Aan ell awaan
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.

  3. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:

    Default Cinderella (Arabic) - Oh, Sing Sweet Nightingale

    While the Wicked Stepmother Lady Tremaine playing piano and Anastasia Tremaine (the younger sister with the redhead) playing flute. Drizella Tremaine (the dark brunette-haired older sister) trying desperately to sing:

    بالصوت المضموم
    With Vowel sound
    إسمع صوت العندليب
    Listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    إسمع صوت العندليب
    Listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    فوق الشجر
    Above the trees
    إسمع صوت العندليب
    Listen to the sound of the Nightingale

    Lucifer left the room annoyed by her very bad voice and went down stairs where Cinderella was scrapping the floor and quietly singing in angelic voice…

    اه إسمع صوت العندليب
    Oh, listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    إسمع صوت العندليب
    Oh, listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    اه إسمع صوت العندليب
    Oh, listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    The sound...
    The Nightingale
    اه إسمع صوت العندليب
    Oh, listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    صوت العندليب
    The sound of the Nightingale
    اه إسمع صوت العندليب
    Oh, listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    اه إسمع صوت العندليب
    Oh, listen to the sound of the Nightingale
    صوت العندليب
    The sound of the Nightingale
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.

  4. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:

    Default Bambi - The Spring Song (Arabic)

    Sadly saying that some of the chores singing in the song "Bambi -- I Bring You a Song (Arabic)" I couldn't understand no matter how hard I tried. If anyone would find the Arabic lyrics, I would gladly translate it!

    The other song "The Spring song" here is its translation!

    لا لا لا
    La La La
    غنيلي اغنية هنغي تلا لا تلا لا
    Sing for me a song, we will sing Tala La tala la
    غني الأغنية متخبيش
    Sing the song don't hide anything (Don't be shy)
    اوعي تمشي يا ربيع
    Don't walk away O Spring
    يلا مع بعضينا نعمل اللي علينا
    Come on, we all together will do whatever we can
    و نألف غنوة للربيع
    And we will compose (write) a song for the Spring
    لا لا لا
    La La La
    لا لا لا
    La La La
    لا لا لا
    La La La
    غنوة منعشه للشمس و الهواء
    A refreshing song for the sun and the air
    غنيلي اغنيه
    Sing for me a song
    هنغني تالالا
    We will sing...Tala La La
    غني الأغنية متخبيش
    Sing the song don't hide anything (Don't be shy)
    اوه تلا لا لا
    Oh Tala La La
    يا رب المطر ميجيش
    We pray for the rain would never come!
    غنوة بتندهلك ما ترحشي علي مهلك
    A song that is calling you, Don't go away slowly

    خليها اغنية من القلب
    Make it a song from the heart
    لا لا لا
    La La La
    لا لا لا
    La La La
    لا لا لا
    La La La

    خليها غنوة من القلب
    Make it a song from the heart
    تتنطط و تظقطط
    We jump and we are happy
    و احنا بنغنيها
    While we are singing it

    Then the Owl wake up and he is very upset that the sparrows singing woke him up and they keep teasing him and sing more, so he scares them to fly away and when he lost hope that they will stop, he left the place where he was sleeping and start mocking the singing of the sparrows!
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.

  5. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:

    Default Beauty and the Beast...The beginning of the story (Arabic)

    كان ياما كان في بلاد بعيد بعيد امير شاب عايش في قلعة عظيمه . كان عنده كل ما يتمناه. لكن كان قلبه قاسي و كان اناني و ظالم.
    Once Upon a Time, there was a young Prince, he was living in a great castle. He had everything he would wish for. But his heart was cruel, selfish and unjust (oppressive)

    و في ليلة من ذات الليالي في الشتاء خبططت علي بابه شحاته عجوزة . هديته بورده واحده مفيش غيرها و طلبت منه قصادها يئويها من البرد الرهيب. نفر الأمير عجزها و غلبها و استهزأ بالهديه. و أمر العجوزه تنصرف .
    One night in the winter, a very old and poor beggar lady knocked on his door. She gifted him with only one rose and she asked him to give her a shelter from the terrible cold. He felt disgusting form her deficit and her defeat and mocked the gift she offered him. And he ordered the old lady to go away!

    قالتله متنخدعش بالمظاهر يا بني الجمال مكانه القلب.
    She told him not to be deceived with the looks, my son. The true beauty is in the heart!

    و لما من تاني طردها دابت تجاعيد العجوزه و بان مكنها ساحره شابه و جميلة .
    And after he pushed her away once more, her wrinkles melted and she appeared to be a beautiful, charming, young fairy.

    يحاول الأمير يعتذر ولكن فات الأوان . الساحرة شافت خلاص قلبه و كان مفهوش نقطة حب . و عقاباً ليه ساحرته وحش مرعب بشع و عزمة علي القلعه و اللي فيها سخططتهم بقوة سحرها .
    The Prince tried hard to apologize but it was late already. The fairy saw his heart that there is no drop of love in it. And as a punishment, the fairy witched (turned) him to a terrible, ugly monster and she through a spell on the castle and who lives in it she turned them to unnatural creatures by the power of her magic.

    وحبس الوحش نفسه في قلعته خجلان من بشاعة سحنته . و مفيش غير مرايا مسحوره شباك يطول منه علي الدنيا.
    And the monster locked himself in his castle ashamed of the ugliness of his looks. There was only a magic mirror as window to see the world through it.

    اما الورده اللي هدته بيها طلعة برده مسحوره تفضل مزهزه لحد ما يتم 21 سنة لو قدر يحب و محبوبته فاز بقلبها قبل ما اخر ورقه في الورده تقع يتفك السحر و ان فشل يبقي خلاص مكتوب عليه يفضل و حش للأبد .
    And the rose she gifted him, it was a magic rose, it would blossom till the Prince turn to 21 years old if he would be able to fall in love and he win the heart of his beloved before the last petal of the roe fall. The spell will be released and if he fails, it means that he meant to be a monster forever.

    و سنه تجر سنه و الوحش يآئس ضاع منه الأمل مين قلبها ممكن يرق لوحش.
    A year after year passed and the monster is desperate, he lost the hope. Who is the girl that her heart soften to a monster (fall in love with a monster)?!
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.

  6. Au79 said:


    OMG, thank you soooo much!! ^^ You were extremely helpful and I'm glad you've had fun!
    Special thanks for the 'Beauty And The Beast' prologue, it's beautiful
    Last edited by Au79; 05-11-2015 at 10:08 AM.
  7. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Au79 View Post
    OMG, thank you soooo much!! ^^ You were extremely helpful and I'm glad you've had fun!
    Special thanks for the 'Beauty And The Beast' prologue, it's beautiful
    You are most welcome. I am really glad that it was helpful effort
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.