Tip for looking for song titles

Thread: Tip for looking for song titles

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  1. miss posy flump said:

    Exclamation Tip for looking for song titles

    Someone gave me a great tip for looking for song titles recently. If you put any lyrics that you know in speech marks followed by +lyrics it will bring up possible matches. For example "there's no heaven" +Lyrics should bring up Imagine by John Lennon. I've tried it a few times, and succesful every time. Give it a go.
  2. Mumbles's Avatar

    Mumbles said:

    Thumbs up

    A huge big thanks goes out to you!!!
    I have been trying for ages to find a particular song, I tried searching the way you suggested and BINGO!! by the 3rd page i had all the info i needed.
    Thanks once again :-)

  3. miss posy flump said:


    Cool, glad it was succesful for you! I've so far found it faultless! Happy song hunting!
  4. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    Thanks for the tip!
    It works great if you know the exact phrase you are looking.
    However, you will get the top 3-5 matches hundreds of times. If the top matches are not the song/lyrics you are looking for, you can filter them out. Just add a minus sign in front of one or more keywords from the top matches and resubmit your search. For example,

    "there's no heaven" +Lyrics -lennon -adams

    will eliminate all matches that mention John Lennon and Bryan Adams

    Happy Hunting!
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title